Thursday, April 11, 2019

"I love WikiLeaks."

Matthew Albence, who compared detention centers to "summer camp," reportedly tapped to lead ICE

James Comey: "With respect to Barr's comments, I really don't know what he's talking about when he talks about 'spying' on the campaign."

BREAKING: Senate votes 56-41 to confirm David Bernhardt as Interior secretary.

Opinion: After Barr’s betrayal, DOJ and FBI employees must speak out

@SpeakerPelosi, Senators Schumer, Feinstein and Warner, along with House Judiciary Chair @RepJerryNadler and House Intel Chair @RepAdamSchiff, send AG Bill Barr a scathing new letter demanding the FULL #MuellerReport they are “entitled” to receive, “as a matter of law.”

BREAKING: Ohio governor to sign bill banning abortion after first detectable heartbeat, one of the nation's toughest restrictions

Super perky reporter: Do you still love Wikileaks? Trump: I don't know anything about Wikileaks, it's not my thing in life...I don't really have an opinion...

Read our eye-opening profile of David Bernhardt, the guy who is set to become Trump's next Interior secretary

Tucker Carlson is entitled to his own opinion, @MaxBoot writes. But he’s not entitled to his own facts. Here's what Tucker didn't tell you Tuesday night

This is deeply alarming --> after years of decline, domestic violence homicides are inching up

"When the attorney general ‘has questions’ about the conduct of his department, the proper thing to do is not to dangle those questions in a congressional hearing in a fashion bound to stir up conspiracy theories."

BREAKING: Facing 335 years and 36 counts by Federal prosecutors, Michael Avenatti becomes front-runner challenger for 2020 President.

Twice as many companies paying zero taxes under Trump tax bill

Ecuador Interior Minister: 'In the next few hours the government will reveal details that will justify, in excess, the decision to withdraw asylum. Details like that, during his stay at the Embassy he put fecal feces on the walls.'

If Trump was illegally "spied on" by the IC, he would have declassified the FISA warrants months ago. This is part of an orchestrated cover-up of Trump's wrongdoin' with William Barr as the swing man.

Texas asked judges to stop throwing people in jail for unpaid parking tickets. They didn't listen.

Nancy Pelosi called Trump's two Fed picks "the worst, ill-suited appointments that the president could come up with." "That is a dangerous thing for an economy, when a central bank of the country has political influence."

Analysis: Why can’t Betsy DeVos give a direct answer to a direct question?

Clapper believes Barr used the term "spying" during hearing "deliberately"

Trump shares an inaccurate graphic on Twitter that overstates his job approval by 12 points

Mazie Hirono on CNN: "When Barr opens his mouth, Trump's words come popping out. So I'm sure that made Trump very happy ... I found it astounding that the Att'y General would use a highly charged word like 'spying' —astounding, but, you know, he sounded like the president to me."

Steve Bannon is seldom right about anything, so the few times he is, we need to pay attention

Court 1 at Westminster Magistrates Court is now in session. The Julian Assange case is not up yet but the lawyers for the Crown Prosecution Service (acting for the US government) are in court.

District Judge Michael Snow tells the defence it is “unacceptable in front of a packed press gallery to traduce the reputation of the senior District Judge”. He says it is “grossly unfair”