Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Sec Of State Tillerson Ditches NATO To Go Smoke Behind Gym With China And Putin

Stone, Manafort, Trump have known each other since 80s–Trump's mobbed up lawyer Cohn intro'd them

Labor nominee Acosta cut deal with billionaire guilty in sex abuse case

After stunning comments from Intel Chair Nunes on active investigations into Trump admin, Malcolm Nance responds on msnbc


While Gorsuch was testifying, the Supreme Court unanimously said he was wrong


The editor of Forbes explains why Trump is hiding his tax returns and how he inflates his wealth: "We have a rule at Forbes, it's called 'the Trump Rule.'

Paul Manafort tried to help Russian oligarch suspected of mob ties get a US visa

BREAKING: Trump's ex-campaign chairman Paul Manafort secretly worked for Russian billionaire to "benefit Putin government," files show

BREAKING: WH insists Trump wasn't aware of ex-campaign chairman Paul Manafort's work helping Russia

What do Trump's remarks on Putin reveal? Here's a timeline of 80 times the US President talked about Russia's leader

Chris Matthews: Vote "Nay" on Gorsuch

Chris Matthews explains why everyone should call their senators to vote against the confirmation of President Trump’s Supreme Court nomination Neil Gorsuch.

Jason Chaffetz Top Funder is a Pyramid Scheme that Operates in Russia

FBI probing Russian influence via pro-Trump US websites

Greg Gordon, national correspondent for McClatchy News, talks with Rachel Maddow about McClatchy investigative reporting in the FBI looking into the role of pro-Trump U.S. news sites in Russian intrusion in the U.S.


Trump's America: Two coal plants announce closures in Ohio, layoffs at Carrier factories in Indiana

Trump admin no-shows at human rights hearing — empty seats where U.S. reps were supposed to sit & answer questions

Comey's "hand was forced" is nonsense–agents leaking would've been prosecuted for violating Hatch Act!

Free Market Medicine

Why are groups secretly spending millions in dark money to get Gorsuch confirmed? Judge Gorsuch told me I'd have to ask them. Wish I could!

Jeff Sessions Tackles Weed And The White House's (Unrelated) Paranoia

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has a strong stance on marijuana, while Trump's White House is showing symptoms of having smoked it.

Former Trump aide Manafort hires crisis communications firm

WATCH ➝ My questioning of Judge Neil Gorsuch during his confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Russian info-war tactics in US election continue

Rachel Maddow looks at the role of Russian bot networks and cyber war tactics during the 2016 U.S. election and notes that those things didn't just go away after the election.

Key witness in Preet Bharara’s Russian probe just fell from fourth floor of building