Jerry Nadler just told @TheBeatWithAri that the civil enforcement resolution that House just passed could also be used against Hope Hicks and Annie Donaldson if either of them choose not to comply with the Judiciary Committee subpoenas.— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) June 11, 2019
Tuesday, June 11, 2019
Jerry Nadler just told @TheBeatWithAri that the civil enforcement resolution that House just passed could also be used against Hope Hicks and Annie Donaldson if either of them choose not to comply with the Judiciary Committee subpoenas.
Trump administration quietly makes it legal to bring elephant parts to the U.S. as trophies
Trump administration quietly makes it legal to bring elephant parts to the U.S. as trophies - The Washington Post— MCWright 🦷 (@MCW_Disruptor) June 11, 2019
McConnell dismisses report that his wife, Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, steered funds to Kentucky
McConnell dismisses report that his wife, Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, steered funds to Kentucky Via @feliciasonmez— Matea Gold (@mateagold) June 11, 2019
"There's almost nothing that is working. [The president] is putting us in tremendous danger around the globe," @sethmoulton says when asked about the Trump administration's foreign policy.
"There's almost nothing that is working. [The president] is putting us in tremendous danger around the globe," @sethmoulton says when asked about the Trump administration's foreign policy.— PBS NewsHour (@NewsHour) June 11, 2019
"Lewis, who fought for civil rights in the 1960s by organizing protests to end racial segregation, broke down crying in the caucus. His tears made others cry, according to several lawmakers in the room."
"Lewis, who fought for civil rights in the 1960s by organizing protests to end racial segregation, broke down crying in the caucus. His tears made others cry, according to several lawmakers in the room."— Rachel Maddow MSNBC (@maddow) June 11, 2019
Mitch McConnell called out for blocking vote on net neutrality rules Republicans actually like
Mitch McConnell called out for blocking vote on net neutrality rules Republicans actually like— Gizmodo (@Gizmodo) June 11, 2019
President Trump pulls a piece of paper from his jacket he says is one page of a secret agreement with Mexico: "I am going to let Mexico do the announcement at the right time." The Mexican foreign minister indicated there is no secret or outstanding deal
President Trump pulls a piece of paper from his jacket he says is one page of a secret agreement with Mexico: "I am going to let Mexico do the announcement at the right time."— CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) June 11, 2019
The Mexican foreign minister indicated there is no secret or outstanding deal
Trump Jr. initially balked at testifying a second time in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee, but this Wednesday he’ll be interviewed behind closed doors.
Trump Jr. initially balked at testifying a second time in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee, but this Wednesday he’ll be interviewed behind closed doors.— Arctic Friend (@FriendEden100) June 11, 2019
Story: DOJ threatens executive privilege to block access to census docs
Story: DOJ threatens executive privilege to block access to census docs— Andrew Desiderio (@desiderioDC) June 11, 2019
Nadler: "Federal law makes clear that the documents we requested—documents that left the White House months ago—are no longer covered by executive privilege, if they ever were. "The President has no lawful basis for preventing these witnesses from complying with our request."
Nadler: "Federal law makes clear that the documents we requested—documents that left the White House months ago—are no longer covered by executive privilege, if they ever were.— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) June 4, 2019
"The President has no lawful basis for preventing these witnesses from complying with our request."
Oversight Dems say the White House tried to assert executive privilege over Kobach…
Oversight Dems say the White House tried to assert executive privilege over Kobach…— Andrew Desiderio (@desiderioDC) June 7, 2019
A.G. Barr will ask Trump to assert executive privilege over documents from the admin's decision to add a citizenship question to the 2020 Census if House Oversight Democrats proceed toward holding Barr in contempt.
A.G. Barr will ask Trump to assert executive privilege over documents from the admin's decision to add a citizenship question to the 2020 Census if House Oversight Democrats proceed toward holding Barr in contempt.— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) June 11, 2019
DOJ is asking the committee to delay the contempt vote until the president makes a decision about whether to invoke executive privilege (the vote is scheduled for tomorrow)
DOJ is asking the committee to delay the contempt vote until the president makes a decision about whether to invoke executive privilege (the vote is scheduled for tomorrow)— Zoe Tillman (@ZoeTillman) June 11, 2019
BREAKING: House authorizes lawsuits against Barr, McGahn in Trump probes
BREAKING: House authorizes lawsuits against Barr, McGahn in Trump probes— Bloomberg (@business) June 11, 2019
BREAKING: The House votes to hold AG Barr and Don McGahn In civil contempt. Party line vote was: 229-191.
Next step is for the House to decide whether to immediately go to court to try to force McGahn to testify. House May also seek to press for more underlying Mueller evidence in court, though DOJ and Judiciary Committee are slowly making progress.— Kyle Cheney (@kyledcheney) June 11, 2019
Trump can't be bothered to read (or even sit through) the PDB, which the IC has to condense down to idiot-level bullet-points for him, but he thinks he can handle CIA agent recruitment and vetting
Trump can't be bothered to read (or even sit through) the PDB, which the IC has to condense down to idiot-level bullet-points for him, but he thinks he can handle CIA agent recruitment and vetting.#WINNING— John Schindler (@20committee) June 11, 2019
Why is @DonaldJTrumpJr testifying behind closed doors? He cannot have any classified information. We have not had any public testimony on his I-love-it meeting with a Russian emissary that was part of a secret Kremlin scheme to help @realDonaldTrump win the 2016 election.
Why is @DonaldJTrumpJr testifying behind closed doors? He cannot have any classified information. We have not had any public testimony on his I-love-it meeting with a Russian emissary that was part of a secret Kremlin scheme to help @realDonaldTrump win the 2016 election.— David Corn (@DavidCornDC) June 11, 2019
First on CNN: Donald Trump Jr. to be interviewed by Senate panel behind closed doors Wednesday
First on CNN: Donald Trump Jr. to be interviewed by Senate panel behind closed doors Wednesday— CNN (@CNN) June 11, 2019
McConnell dismisses report that his wife, Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, steered funds to Kentucky
McConnell dismisses report that his wife, Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, steered funds to Kentucky— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) June 11, 2019
Trump thinks that exercising too much uses up the body’s ‘finite’ energy
I forgot about this.— Molly Jong-Fast (@MollyJongFast) June 11, 2019
Trump: I just received a beautiful letter from Kim Jong Un. I can't show you the letter obviously, but it was a very personal, very warm, very nice letter.. North Korea has tremendous potential and the one that feels that more than anybody is [Kim]. He gets it. He totally gets it
Trump: I just received a beautiful letter from Kim Jong Un. I can't show you the letter obviously, but it was a very personal, very warm, very nice letter.. North Korea has tremendous potential and the one that feels that more than anybody is [Kim]. He gets it. He totally gets it— POLITICO (@politico) June 11, 2019
NEW: @NBCNews, @MSNBC and @TelemundoNews announce moderators for 2-night #DemDebate live from Miami on June 26-27:
NEW: @NBCNews, @MSNBC and @TelemundoNews announce moderators for 2-night #DemDebate live from Miami on June 26-27:— NBC News (@NBCNews) June 11, 2019
More info:
Nearly 1,700 Suspected Child Sex Predators Arrested During Operation "Broken Heart"
Nearly 1,700 Suspected Child Sex Predators Arrested During Operation "Broken Heart"— Justice Department (@TheJusticeDept) June 11, 2019
Speaking about President Trump's personal attacks, House @SpeakerPelosi tells @MKRaju "I'm done with him," adding, "my stock goes up every time he attacks me."
Speaking about President Trump's personal attacks, House @SpeakerPelosi tells @MKRaju "I'm done with him," adding, "my stock goes up every time he attacks me."— Josh Campbell (@joshscampbell) June 11, 2019
Trump’s conspiracy theories about intelligence will make the CIA’s job harder - The Washington Post
Trump’s conspiracy theories about intelligence will make the CIA’s job harder - The Washington Post | @john_sipher— Claude Taylor (@TrueFactsStated) June 11, 2019
Jon Stewart at a 9/11 victim fund hearing: "What an incredible metaphor this room is for the entire process that getting healthcare and benefits for 9/11 first responders has come to ... a filled room of 9/11 first responders and in front of me, a nearly empty Congress." Via ABC
Watch the video. HOLY crap Jon Stewart tears into congress like NO ONE has before him. This is fire! And well deserved fire for the congresspersons that failed to show up!— BadDude.SimoHayha😠 (@ChiefCovfefe) June 11, 2019
Spicy Updates! Contempt of Congress Barr & Ross your seat is ready - UPDATED 6/10/201 – Mad Dog PAC
Spicy Updates! Contempt of Congress Barr & Ross your seat is ready - UPDATED 6/10/201 – Mad Dog PAC— Claude Taylor (@TrueFactsStated) June 11, 2019
Sam Donaldson is trending because of his absolute dismay at the amount of lies coming from White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders, 'She's had a lifetime achievement Oscar for lying'. But his main point, is a more sombre one: 'the Press Secretary takes cues from the top'
Sam Donaldson is trending because of his absolute dismay at the amount of lies coming from White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders, 'She's had a lifetime achievement Oscar for lying'. But his main point, is a more sombre one: 'the Press Secretary takes cues from the top'— KevinNoel (@KevinNoel) June 11, 2019
BREAKING: Sam Donaldson: "I spent 52 years as a reporter in Washington, 16 of them as the White House Correspondent for ABC News........Back then, press secretaries tried to put the best face on it when things went badly for their boss. But they didn't lie to you."— PoliticsVideoChannel (@politvidchannel) June 11, 2019
Mar-a-Lago intruder deemed mentally competent and allowed to represent herself at trial
Mar-a-Lago intruder deemed mentally competent and allowed to represent herself at trial— Caitlin Ostroff (@ceostroff) June 11, 2019
via @Blaskey_S
How Russia Can Spend Money to Influence the 2020 Election—Legally
This is a damn important story. Read and pass it on.— David Corn (@DavidCornDC) June 11, 2019
Epic failure for Russian repressive system
Epic failure for Russian repressive system— Numbers Stations (@Spy_Stations) June 11, 2019
Russia says it will begin delivery of missile system to Turkey in July
Russia says it will begin delivery of missile system to Turkey in July— Financial Times (@FT) June 11, 2019
More than a billion untraceable dollars have been spent in US elections since 2006, and it’s unknowable how much of that came from foreign sources, legally or illegally.
More than a billion untraceable dollars have been spent in US elections since 2006, and it’s unknowable how much of that came from foreign sources, legally or illegally.— Mother Jones (@MotherJones) June 11, 2019
‘Shameless grifter’ Mitch McConnell and wife scorched by conservative for quietly doling out taxpayer dollars to their Kentucky pals
‘Shameless grifter’ Mitch McConnell and wife scorched by conservative for quietly doling out taxpayer dollars to their Kentucky pals— Raw Story (@RawStory) June 11, 2019
Compare: Elaine Chao was willing to CANCEL electrification of Cal-Train from Silicon Valley to San Francisco, affecting millions of people but was OK with a Kentucky project affecting 59,809 of Mitch’s constituents
Compare: Elaine Chao was willing to CANCEL electrification of Cal-Train from Silicon Valley to San Francisco, affecting millions of people but was OK with a Kentucky project affecting 59,809 of Mitch’s constituents— Christine Pelosi (@sfpelosi) June 11, 2019
Lead By the GOP — Hillary Clinton: "Classic Pattern" Of Fascist Takeover Is Happening Right Now In The United States
Lead By the GOP — Hillary Clinton: "Classic Pattern" Of Fascist Takeover Is Happening Right Now In The United States— John Dean (@JohnWDean) June 11, 2019
Trump’s conspiracy theories about intelligence will make the CIA’s job harder
Important piece by @john_sipher— Louise Mensch (@LouiseMensch) June 11, 2019
The Old School Grift of Mitch McConnell and Elaine Chao
Here Cocaine Mitch employs a quiet grift.— Molly Jong-Fast (@MollyJongFast) June 11, 2019
Senate Maj. Leader Mitch McConnell has reportedly told his colleagues that he will not allow the Senate to vote on election security legislation this session. Lobbyists for the two biggest voting machine makers have started writing him four figure checks.
Senate Maj. Leader Mitch McConnell has reportedly told his colleagues that he will not allow the Senate to vote on election security legislation this session. Lobbyists for the two biggest voting machine makers have started writing him four figure checks.— Citizens for Ethics (@CREWcrew) June 11, 2019
For mother Russia. And maybe for Dr. Richard Strauss.
For mother Russia. And maybe for Dr. Richard Strauss.— Andrew C Laufer, Esq (@lauferlaw) June 11, 2019
It’s not just the US. Putin’s Chef Yevegny Prigozhin has allegedly been deeply involved in a major Russian effort to manipulate politics in a whole slew of African countries
It’s not just the US. Putin’s Chef Yevegny Prigozhin has allegedly been deeply involved in a major Russian effort to manipulate politics in a whole slew of African countries— Bill Browder (@Billbrowder) June 11, 2019
Mick Mulvaney fires all 25 members of consumer watchdog’s advisory board
Your WTF?!? Headline of the day:— Barry Ritholtz (@ritholtz) June 11, 2019
FOX has done to our parents what our parents thought video games would do to us
FOX has done to our parents what our parents thought video games would do to us.— Allen Marshall (@AllenCMarshall) June 10, 2019
At John Dean hearing, Rep. Raskin says his father was on Nixon’s enemies list
At John Dean hearing, Rep. Raskin says his father was on Nixon’s enemies list— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) June 11, 2019
Baseless claims about Biden’s medical fitness have quietly taken hold on Fox
Baseless claims about Biden’s medical fitness have quietly taken hold on Fox— The Daily Beast (@thedailybeast) June 11, 2019
"The book is a call to the country to say, well, do we want to go down this road where we refer to other people as our enemy?" @Acosta says about his new book, "The Enemy of the People." "Reporters should not be going to Trump rallies with bodyguards."
"The book is a call to the country to say, well, do we want to go down this road where we refer to other people as our enemy?" @Acosta says about his new book, "The Enemy of the People."— New Day (@NewDay) June 11, 2019
"Reporters should not be going to Trump rallies with bodyguards."
Trump won’t impose tariffs on Mexico, for now
Trump won’t impose tariffs on Mexico, for now via @msnbc— Chef Witch Hunter (@Chefefefe) June 11, 2019
Lead By the GOP — Hillary Clinton: "Classic Pattern" Of Fascist Takeover Is Happening Right Now In The United States
Lead By the GOP — Hillary Clinton: "Classic Pattern" Of Fascist Takeover Is Happening Right Now In The United States— John Dean (@JohnWDean) June 11, 2019
In Alabama—which banned abortion for rape victims — rapists have parental rights. Said one victim: “I’ve spent my entire life scared to death of my rapist, and now, I’m fighting him for custody of my children.”
In Alabama—which banned abortion for rape victims — rapists have parental rights. Said one victim: “I’ve spent my entire life scared to death of my rapist, and now, I’m fighting him for custody of my children.”— Beth Reinhard (@bethreinhard) June 10, 2019
This is a clear red flag for the intelligence services, the FBI, the State Department. It's hard to fathom how those entities could have signed off on a security clearance. And they probably didn't. Why isn't Congress probing this?
This is a clear red flag for the intelligence services, the FBI, the State Department. It's hard to fathom how those entities could have signed off on a security clearance. And they probably didn't. Why isn't Congress probing this?— Richard Stengel (@stengel) June 10, 2019
This will deliver facts from the Mueller report to Congress,which moves one giant step closer to commencing a formal impeachment inquiry that could validate Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s patient strategy for dealing w/ America’s first hardened criminal president.
This will deliver facts from the Mueller report to Congress,which moves one giant step closer to commencing a formal impeachment inquiry that could validate Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s patient strategy for dealing w/ America’s first hardened criminal president.— Jon Cooper (@joncoopertweets) June 10, 2019
Reprising an argument that two federal judges found unserious.
Reprising an argument that two federal judges found unserious.— Adam Klasfeld (@KlasfeldReports) June 10, 2019
REPORTER: The Mexican government says there was no secret agreement. So what do you mean when you say there was? TRUMP: We have an agreement on something they will announce very soon R: Why are they denying it then? T: I don't think they'll be denying it very long
REPORTER: The Mexican government says there was no secret agreement. So what do you mean when you say there was?— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) June 10, 2019
TRUMP: We have an agreement on something they will announce very soon
R: Why are they denying it then?
T: I don't think they'll be denying it very long#lunacy
This session Mitch McConnell has already killed more than 100 bills passed by the House by refusing to give them a vote or even a hearing in the Senate. If he won't do his job, we should retire him.
This session Mitch McConnell has already killed more than 100 bills passed by the House by refusing to give them a vote or even a hearing in the Senate. If he won't do his job, we should retire him. #DitchMitch— Swing Left (@swingleft) June 10, 2019
Ken Cuccinelli Wanted to End Birthright Citizenship & Militarize Border—Now He’s Trump’s Immigration Chief
Cuccinelli proposed a law to let employers fire employees who didn’t speak English at work— Justin Miller (@justinjm1) June 10, 2019
President Trump has no direct control over his impeachment, but that’s not stopping him from trying to weaponize the process
President Trump has no direct control over his impeachment, but that’s not stopping him from trying to weaponize the process— POLITICO (@politico) June 11, 2019
The House appealed a federal judge’s decision to uphold President Trump’s ability to funnel billions of non-congressionally approved dollars toward border wall construction
The House appealed a federal judge’s decision to uphold President Trump’s ability to funnel billions of non-congressionally approved dollars toward border wall construction— POLITICO (@politico) June 11, 2019
Nearly 50 years ago, when a Republican president was facing allegations of #ObstructionOfJustice, members of his own party came forward to uphold the Constitution and the #RuleOfLaw. It’s time to get back to Republican standards.
Nearly 50 years ago, when a Republican president was facing allegations of #ObstructionOfJustice, members of his own party came forward to uphold the Constitution and the #RuleOfLaw. It’s time to get back to Republican standards.— Republicans for the Rule of Law (@ForTheRuleOfLaw) June 10, 2019
Facebook the ‘Largest Fraud in Corporate History’ – Fake Accounts and Customer Data Theft
“During today’s session, Mr Greenspan was also asked: “Were there any warning signs of the Cambridge Analytica scandal?”— Sercy (@McSercy) June 10, 2019
“This wasn’t so much a breach as it was a designed behaviour, and that design was made so on Mark’s orders,” Mr Greenspan replied.”
Tomorrow is Primary Day in Virginia! I hope the people of Virginia head to the polls and make their voices heard. Find your polling place here:
Tomorrow is Primary Day in Virginia! I hope the people of Virginia head to the polls and make their voices heard. Find your polling place here:— Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) June 11, 2019
McConnell Is Blocking Any Plan to Prevent a Russian Election Attack in 2020
HowIsThisNotTreason? Dept: "McConnell Blocking Plans to Prevent Russian Election Attack."— D.K.R. Boyd (@ReflectingMan) June 11, 2019
Canada to ban single-use plastics as early as 2021
Canada to ban single-use plastics as early as 2021— 💧Climate Guardians (@ClimateGuardia) June 10, 2019
“Mr Trudeau called the issue of plastic pollution a "global challenge"
(What are you doing to address the global challenge @sussanley and @LilyDAmbrosioMP? 🌏 #auspol #springst #plastics)
Joe Biden told a room of donors on Monday that Republicans "know better" and would immediately begin to work toward bipartisanship as soon as Trump leaves office.
Joe Biden told a room of donors on Monday that Republicans "know better" and would immediately begin to work toward bipartisanship as soon as Trump leaves office.— HuffPost (@HuffPost) June 11, 2019
Iran revokes New York Times reporter's credentials
Iran revokes New York Times reporter's credentials— POLITICO (@politico) June 11, 2019
How many mass shooters can someone inspire before their advertisers feel a little sheepish?
How many mass shooters can someone inspire before their advertisers feel a little sheepish?— Schooley (@Rschooley) June 11, 2019
This is the purest and most egregious corruption possible. Mr. Kushner should not finish the day as an employee of the US Government.
This is the purest and most egregious corruption possible. Mr. Kushner should not finish the day as an employee of the US Government.— Tom Steyer (@TomSteyer) June 10, 2019
Lawrence's Last Word: a Republican who voted to impeach Pres. Nixon told Republicans ‘Watergate is our shame’
Lawrence's Last Word: a Republican who voted to impeach Pres. Nixon told Republicans ‘Watergate is our shame’ via @msnbc— Chef Witch Hunter (@Chefefefe) June 11, 2019
DOJ agrees to turn over key Mueller evidence to Congress
DOJ agrees to turn over key Mueller evidence to Congress via @msnbc— Chef Witch Hunter (@Chefefefe) June 11, 2019
Lawrence on the latest fake Trump crisis
Lawrence on the latest fake Trump crisis via @msnbc— Chef Witch Hunter (@Chefefefe) June 11, 2019
Is it credible that Gym Jordan didn’t know about sexual abuse?
Is it credible that Gym Jordan didn’t know about sexual abuse?— Tarquin (@Tarquin_Helmet) June 10, 2019
Wonder how Kim Jong Un found out?
Wonder how Kim Jong Un found out? @thehill— Matt Lipton (@mattliptoncomic) June 11, 2019
Criminality of Trump conduct explored in Congressional hearing
Criminality of Trump conduct explored in Congressional hearing via @msnbc— Chef Witch Hunter (@Chefefefe) June 11, 2019
Delighted to see this careful @harrylitman Washington Post op-ed exploring my new proposal to break the impeachment logjam and carefully explaining why it fully satisfies the Constitution’s requirements
Delighted to see this careful @harrylitman Washington Post op-ed exploring my new proposal to break the impeachment logjam and carefully explaining why it fully satisfies the Constitution’s requirements— Laurence Tribe (@tribelaw) June 10, 2019
Has Bannon been working out?
Has Bannon been working out?— Col. Morris Davis (@ColMorrisDavis) June 11, 2019
UK PM candidate Hancock asks: Why should Boris Johnson avoid public scrutiny?
UK PM candidate Hancock asks: Why should Boris Johnson avoid public scrutiny?— Reuters Top News (@Reuters) June 11, 2019
Criminality of Trump conduct explored in Congressional hearing
Criminality of Trump conduct explored in Congressional hearing via @msnbc— Chef Witch Hunter (@Chefefefe) June 11, 2019
The Sinclair must-Run continues with Peter Schweizer talking about Hunter Biden. 19 Dem candidates in Cedar Rapids today and it got roughly 1/7 as much local TV time as this must-run content
The Sinclair must-Run continues with Peter Schweizer talking about Hunter Biden.— Dave Weigel (@daveweigel) June 10, 2019
19 Dem candidates in Cedar Rapids today and it got roughly 1/7 as much local TV time as this must-run content
Trump investigation story lines continue in courts, Congress
Trump investigation story lines continue in courts, Congress via @msnbc— Chef Witch Hunter (@Chefefefe) June 11, 2019
Tariff Threats Aside, the Senate Is Where Action Goes to Die
Senator Mitch McConnell...self-proclaimed “#grimreaper” of Washington, has turned his chamber into a #legislativegraveyard— Joanne Mayoza (@mayozaj) June 8, 2019
NBC analyst accuses Trump family of ‘insider’ trading with early knowledge of Trump’s market-moving tweets
I have been saying this for at least a year. Multiple tweets about this. Timing. Sheer size of market moves. Lots of dark smoke from burning fire here @SEC_News @JerryNadler @tedlieu @SenKamalaHarris @MarkWarner @patribotics @JoyceWhiteVance @funder @ericgarland @AshaRangappa_— Alan W. Silberberg (@IdeaGov) June 10, 2019
Alabama governor signs bill requiring child sex offenders to undergo chemical castration
Sorry, Roy Moore...— Matt Lipton (@mattliptoncomic) June 11, 2019
The Sinclair model is particularly powerful because unlike Fox News it *isn’t* 24/7 propaganda — these are mostly just normal broadcast network affiliates that insert little chunks of propaganda into local newscasts between sports & weather.
The Sinclair model is particularly powerful because unlike Fox News it *isn’t* 24/7 propaganda — these are mostly just normal broadcast network affiliates that insert little chunks of propaganda into local newscasts between sports & weather.— Matthew Yglesias (@mattyglesias) June 10, 2019
House Democrats crack down on Trump admin foot-dragging
House Democrats crack down on Trump admin foot-dragging via @msnbc— Chef Witch Hunter (@Chefefefe) June 11, 2019
The slain half brother of North Korea's leader was an informant for the CIA who met on several occasions with agency operatives
The slain half brother of North Korea's leader was an informant for the CIA who met on several occasions with agency operatives— The Wall Street Journal (@WSJ) June 10, 2019
How did Kim Jong Un become leader of the North Korea and how did he remain it? That’s the subject of my book The Great Successor *out tomorrow*
How did Kim Jong Un become leader of the North Korea and how did he remain it? That’s the subject of my book The Great Successor *out tomorrow*— Anna Fifield (@annafifield) June 10, 2019
Gears begin to turn on Congress follow-through on Mueller report
Gears begin to turn on Congress follow-through on Mueller report via @msnbc— Chef Witch Hunter (@Chefefefe) June 11, 2019
You know, this Matt Gaetz fellow, he’s kind of a jerk
You know, this Matt Gaetz fellow, he’s kind of a jerk.— Molly Jong-Fast (@MollyJongFast) June 10, 2019
Republican Rep. Rob Woodall says that he didn't bother to read the Mueller report.
Republican Rep. Rob Woodall says that he didn't bother to read the Mueller report.— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) June 10, 2019
Hey @Jim_Jordan how do you think your nonsense will go over when you’re facing the OSU rape victims on the stand?
Hey @Jim_Jordan how do you think your nonsense will go over when you’re facing the OSU rape victims on the stand?— Andrew C Laufer, Esq (@lauferlaw) June 10, 2019
Ex-wrestler says Rep. Jim Jordan witnessed lewd shower acts while a coach at Ohio State— Tracy Taylor (@TracyT09) June 6, 2019
"The House Intelligence Committee plans to hold a public hearing on the counterintelligence implications of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report next Wednesday featuring testimony from former FBI officials."
"The House Intelligence Committee plans to hold a public hearing on the counterintelligence implications of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report next Wednesday featuring testimony from former FBI officials."— Maddow Blog (@MaddowBlog) June 11, 2019
Saudi Arabia’s coalition has killed Yemeni civilians with bombs stamped Made in America. Now the White House is handing over sensitive smart bomb technology to Saudi Arabia. Enough. Time to end support for this cruel and senseless war.
Saudi Arabia’s coalition has killed Yemeni civilians with bombs stamped Made in America. Now the White House is handing over sensitive smart bomb technology to Saudi Arabia. Enough. Time to end support for this cruel and senseless war.— Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) June 11, 2019
Rep. Justin Amash, lone-wolf GOP Trump critic, leaves House Freedom Caucus
Rep. Justin Amash, lone-wolf GOP Trump critic, leaves House Freedom Caucus— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) June 11, 2019
(VIDEO): Rep. Ted Lieu enters the infamous words of President Trump from the Mueller Report into Congressional committee record... “Oh my God. This is terrible. This is the end of my presidency. I’m f**ked.”@tedlieu is a national treasure!
(VIDEO): Rep. Ted Lieu enters the infamous words of President Trump from the Mueller Report into Congressional committee record...— Travis Akers (@travisakers) June 10, 2019
“Oh my God. This is terrible. This is the end of my presidency. I’m f**ked.”@tedlieu is a national treasure!
Yes, people, tell everyone you know: If anyone other than the president had committed this conducted, he/she would have been indicted by now. It's not even a close call.
If I could stand and clap while typing I would be doing just that @JoyceWhiteVance. Fabulous job!👏👏👏👏👏Yes, people, tell everyone you know: If anyone other than the president had committed this conducted, he/she would have been indicted by now. It's not even a close call.— Elizabeth de la Vega (@Delavegalaw) June 10, 2019
US senators launch bill to broaden shell companies' disclosures - Republicans Tom Cotton, Mike Rounds & Democrats Mark Warner, Doug Jones on Senate Banking Cmte said bill would require shell companies to disclose ultimate, real owners to US Treasury Dept
US senators launch bill to broaden shell companies' disclosures - Republicans Tom Cotton, Mike Rounds & Democrats Mark Warner, Doug Jones on Senate Banking Cmte said bill would require shell companies to disclose ultimate, real owners to US Treasury Dept— Wendy Siegelman (@WendySiegelman) June 10, 2019
Honestly, the old example of chutzpah- the son who murders his parents begging the judge for mercy because now he is an orphan - utterly left in dust by the new Trump vintage model
Honestly, the old example of chutzpah- the son who murders his parents begging the judge for mercy because now he is an orphan - utterly left in dust by the new Trump vintage model— David Frum (@davidfrum) June 10, 2019
House Oversight committee to vote to hold AG Barr and Wilbur Ross in contempt on Wednesday
House Oversight committee to vote to hold AG Barr and Wilbur Ross in contempt on Wednesday— The Hill (@thehill) June 10, 2019
Mexico denies Trump’s claim of secret concessions in deal
They're pranking him worse than Kim.— Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) June 11, 2019
The US Navy welcomes its oldest Ensign
The US Navy welcomes its oldest Ensign.— John Schindler (@20committee) June 10, 2019
Several Fox News stars have already begun quietly pushing rumors that Biden is in poor health
Several Fox News stars have already begun quietly pushing rumors that Biden is in poor health— The Daily Beast (@thedailybeast) June 11, 2019
Kavanaugh defender Amy Chua's daughter gets Supreme Court job with Kavanaugh
And then there's this shithead....— Stone 🥶 (@stonecold2050) June 11, 2019
In light of the news about foreign funding for Cadre, a company in which Kushner holds a massive financial interest, now seems like a good time to re-up this tweet pointing out that Kushner's lawyer claims Kushner is subject to an ethics agreement . . . that you have never seen
In light of the news about foreign funding for Cadre, a company in which Kushner holds a massive financial interest, now seems like a good time to re-up this tweet pointing out that Kushner's lawyer claims Kushner is subject to an ethics agreement . . . that you have never seen.— Walter Shaub (@waltshaub) June 11, 2019
We need to be prepared for Trump refusing to leave office, whether he is impeached, indicted, or unelected. He will incite his supporters regardless of the scenario. Trump on Richard Nixon comparison: "He left. I don't leave."
We need to be prepared for Trump refusing to leave office, whether he is impeached, indicted, or unelected. He will incite his supporters regardless of the scenario.— Derek Cressman (@DerekCressman) June 11, 2019
Trump on Richard Nixon comparison: "He left. I don't leave."
The cost of Trump’s tariffs has fallen "entirely" on U.S. businesses and households, says Goldman Sachs.
The cost of Trump’s tariffs has fallen "entirely" on U.S. businesses and households, says Goldman Sachs.— CNBC (@CNBC) June 9, 2019
Imagine writing this story and not once mentioning that Trump has never released his tax returns
Imagine writing this story and not once mentioning that Trump has never released his tax returns— Dan Pfeiffer (@danpfeiffer) June 10, 2019
These are the documents — or at least some of them — that the Judiciary Committee has secured from DOJ.
These are the documents — or at least some of them — that the Judiciary Committee has secured from DOJ.— Andrew Desiderio (@desiderioDC) June 10, 2019
(Via Nadler’s May 24 letter)
Russians helped elect Trump & now openly mocking him.
Russians helped elect Trump & now openly mocking him.— stuart stevens (@stuartpstevens) June 10, 2019
Here's the full text of John Dean's statement to the House Judiciary Committee
Here's the full text of John Dean's statement to the House Judiciary Committee— POLITICO (@politico) June 10, 2019
WH has a weak hand and knows it
WH has a weak hand and knows it— Jennifer Rubin (@JRubinBlogger) June 10, 2019
Row 1 identifies the individuals @realDonaldTrump told to deny facts. Row 2 identifies the individuals Trump used to fire the Special Counsel or limit the investigation. Row 3 identifies the witnesses Trump attempted to influence or intimidate.
Row 1 identifies the individuals @realDonaldTrump told to deny facts.— House Judiciary Dems (@HouseJudiciary) June 10, 2019
Row 2 identifies the individuals Trump used to fire the Special Counsel or limit the investigation.
Row 3 identifies the witnesses Trump attempted to influence or intimidate.#MuellerReportExplained
THIS @JoyceWhiteVance: "The facts contained in that report would be sufficient to . . .charge multiple counts of obstruction." Not a close call. "I would have confidence that the evidence would be sufficient to obtain a guilty verdict" and stand up on appeal.
THIS @JoyceWhiteVance: "The facts contained in that report would be sufficient to . . .charge multiple counts of obstruction." Not a close call. "I would have confidence that the evidence would be sufficient to obtain a guilty verdict" and stand up on appeal.— Jennifer Taub (@jentaub) June 10, 2019
"It is quite startling to me that history is repeating itself and with a vengeance. This is why I'm speaking out." - John Dean
"It is quite startling to me that history is repeating itself and with a vengeance. This is why I'm speaking out." - John Dean— Brandi Buchman (@BBuchman_CNS) June 10, 2019
Director who is forcing women in Missouri to undergo unnecessary pelvic examination is Dr. Randall Williams. He is a political hack who overruled professionals in N. Carolina & declared safe wells full of carcinogens. This creep belongs in jail.
Director who is forcing women in Missouri to undergo unnecessary pelvic examination is Dr. Randall Williams. He is a political hack who overruled professionals in N. Carolina & declared safe wells full of carcinogens. This creep belongs in jail.— Sol (@forwardarc) June 10, 2019
Judge grants Missouri's last abortion clinic two-week reprieve
Judge grants Missouri's last abortion clinic two-week reprieve via @msnbc— Chef Witch Hunter (@Chefefefe) June 11, 2019
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