Thursday, September 14, 2017

The case of a brain-damaging 'sonic weapon' in Cuba is only getting stranger and scarier

Fun Fact: Peter Thiel, a Facebook board member, is an early investor in one of Kushner's projects.

Sean Hannity pleads for Trump to cut taxes on the rich so they can buy boats and stimulate the economy

North Korea Launched Missile Over Japan Toward Pacific Ocean

BREAKING: North Korea launches unidentified projectile from Pyongyang, South Korea Defense Ministry says

‘What she did was wrong’: Trump doubles down on bogus claim Susan Rice illegally surveilled his team

NEW from Yonhap: North Korea just launched a missile

News: Former campaign chair Paul Manafort's spokesman will testify in front of grand jury Friday, per sources.

Hannity assembles a diverse panel of experts to discuss racism

...and they still watch.

U.S. judge presses Trump administration on Dreamer deadlines

Opinion: The DeVos revision of sexual-abuse rules will reveal who stands where on due process

John Kelly is Trump's "nanny," ex-campaign aide says

Government warns of phishing scams after massive Equifax data breach

Sen. McCain has included Shaheen's Kaspersky amendment (ban on software in DoD and civilian networks, not just DoD) in NDAA amendment

Unraveling Russia’s Facebook strategy calls for deep dive by investigators

Does anybody really want to throw out DREAMers? Yes, as of last week, you & your AG.

JUST IN: Roger Stone tells NBC News he will voluntarily appear before House Intelligence Committee on September 26

Texas Dems trying to convince Joaquin Castro to run for governor

Sen. John Barrasso asked Congressional Budget Office (CBO) to score Sen. Bernie Sanders's Single Payer Health Care bill, per stmt

Trump’s die-hard supporters are fuming after an apparent about-face on ‘dreamers’

Report: Trump Ordered Sessions to Resign Over Mueller Appointment

Senate Judiciary won't confirm Trump's nominee to run DOJ Criminal Division today. Nomination held for a week per Dem request, per Grassley.

Breaking! Trump Made ‘Idiot’ Jeff Sessions Commit Hara-Kiri, But He Got Better

Trump reportedly actually said "People really effing hate me." His jaw-drop moment of self-realization:

Trump Humiliated Jeff Sessions After Mueller Appointment

#BREAKING: Trump "open to" fixing ObamaCare instead of repealing it

Ex-Sheriff Clarke pouts like a child after Fox host says racism against Obama ‘should be called out

Facebook Enabled Advertisers to Reach ‘Jew Haters’

Kremlin Barbie AKA Ivanka Trump petitioned for a protect order to keep her deposition under seal. DENIED


Why Trump could keep making deals with Democrats

JUST IN: Sen. Orinn Hatch introduces medical marijuana research bill

‘They are dumb enough to believe him’: GOP strategist compares Trump’s base to snakehandling preacher

Nope. I keep saying it. This is the largest coordinated law enforcement operation in US history. The number of ppl going down is staggering.

Hillary Clinton Torches The 'Lip Service' Of Ivanka Trump

The White Power Hand Signal

Huge Russian war games seek to highlight NATO's "cracks"

Donald Trump may restrict voting rights ahead of 2020

Leaked memo reveals Trump admin's crackdown on leaks

Trump’s diehard supporters are fuming after an apparent about-face on ‘dreamers.'

Spicer stands by Trump inauguration size claims on 'Kimmel'

SIREN: Breitbart now calling Trump "Amnesty Don"

GOP in a panic as Dems outperform in special elections

Facebook anti-immigrant group Heart of Texas with 225,000 members was actually a Russian front group

Harvard psychiatrist Lance Dodes: Donald Trump is a “sociopath” and “a very sick individual”


Trump calls for US to match tax rate of China using inaccurate Chinese tax rate

HRC mentions @kathygriffin's scandal and says at RNC convention people were selling t-shirts with her severed head and "no one said a word."

Trump and congressional Republicans take two tracks on tax reform

Congress Just Told Trump to Confront a Rising Terror Threat—from White Supremacists

How Putin’s Election Attack—and Support for Trump—Got Personal

Facebook users may never know if they were targeted by foreign propaganda campaigns during the 2016 election

Trump Says He’s Taken “No Action” on DACA, But 700,000 Dreamers Now Can’t Leave the Country

How rich Chinese use visa fixers to move to the U.S

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders Actually Kind of Agree on the Future of the Democratic Party

Hillary Clinton says it's time to abolish the US Electoral College

Iran sanctions are up for review, while fate of nuclear deal is tenuous

Adios Putin

Donald Trump If AP is correct, Trump base is blown up, destroyed, irreparable, and disillusioned beyond repair. No promise is credible.

Martin Shkreli is headed to jail after he offered $5,000 to anyone who could grab a strand of Hillary Clinton's hair

God, the president is tweeting to Morning Joe in real time.

"It found that each household in the top 1 percent of Americans would receive — on average — a $175,000 tax cut."

Rich Americans are changing what it means to be average

ESPN distances itself from Jamele Hill for damning Trump comments — but colleagues race to support he

A new warning about the ‘Deep State’

For what he has done Gen Flynn could be looking at the death penalty. He will proffer.


Is Trump ready for Putin’s invasion of Belarus? Russian forces are gathering

Vladimir Putin loses power in Russian election—but his presidency could be far from over

Putin starts a war game on the NATO frontier, and it's alarming an already wary Europe

What was Nunes doing the day Trump met the Prince for a backchannel to Putin? Angry Clapper wouldn't brief him

Equifax's mega-breach was down to a website flaw it could have fixed

GOP state senator resigns after being charged with sexual assault of Uber driver

Clinton: I'm "committed to doing anything I can to make sure we don't lost ground" to agenda of Trump White House

More than 80 experts urge Trump not to abandon Iran nuclear deal

My Open Letter to James Woods by Amber Tamblyn | Teen Vogue

There’s been a sizable decline in the share of GOP-leaning independents who say “Republican” describes them well

Trump’s Moscow Tower and Back-Channel Ukraine Dossier: Both Began During the Election, Evidence Suggest

Pelosi rises again — thanks to Trump

Mystery of Russian Fake on Facebook Solved, by a Brazilian

Heritage Foundation employee lobbied Jeff Sessions for no Democrats on Trump voter fraud commission

Neil Gorsuch

Moscow acknowledges effort to woo Trump administration earlier this year but the U.S. didn't respond in kind

Trump: Rich people won't benefit 'at all' from tax plan

Trump administration sued over phone searches at U.S. border

Over liberals’ objections, Supreme Court says Texas need not draw new districts now

ACA - Here's a summary of the Graham-Cassidy repeal.

Why Mueller is drilling into Trump’s role in drafting Don Jr.’s false Russia statement

MUST-read--> Liberalism and the Campus Rape Tribunals by Ross Douthat

What Kind of Man Spends Millions to Elect Ted Cruz?

Trump ethics watchdog moves to allow anonymous gifts to legal defense funds

This is how the fake news industry works – and how it’s already prepping for 2020

Flynn, Bannon & Kushner discussed secret backchannel to Russia. Flynn & Bannon are gone. Why does Kushner still have a security clearance?

European Parliament reiterates call for EU to impose sanctions on 32 Russians connected to death of Sergei Magnitsky

A Western intelligence officer said much the same to me recently; i.e. the Russians had help

Raising the Curtain on the Browder-Magnitsky Story

Obama offers a message for young leaders — 'persevere'

New White House Comms Director "Suspended" From Twitter One Day After Appointment

BREAKING: @jacobrosecrants has won the special election for the Oklahoma House in a district Trump won by 10 points! Congrats, Jacob!

Schumer, Pelosi: Trump agreed to help Dreamers – without wall

Lawrence O'Donnell shares with Rachel Maddow the big news that happened while she was on air – that Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi say President Donald Trump agreed to enshrine DACA protections into law.

Sen. Al Franken fights back against Trump

The Wall Street Journal attacked Sen. Al Franken for refusing to support a Trump nominee for a federal appeals court seat. Franken joins Lawrence O'Donnell to respond, and to react to breaking news Schumer and Pelosi appear to have won another victory with Trump.

Did Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi roll Trump on DACA?

After their second big meeting with Pres. Trump, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi say he agreed to enshrine DACA protections into law without a border wall—but the White House scrambled to refute that on Twitter. Ron Klain & Jonathan Capehart join Lawrence O'Donnell

Trump rallies stoke followers to uncharacteristic rage

Katy Tur, who covered the Donald Trump campaign for NBC News, talks with Rachel Maddow about Trump's disdain for the media and the First Amendment, and how Trump rallies bring out the worst in his supporters.

Are congressional Trump Russia probes getting in Mueller's way?

Senator Mark Warner, ranking member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, talks with Rachel Maddow about whether Special Counsel Robert Mueller is having trouble getting cooperation from the myriad congressional investigations into Trump camp collusion with Russia.

New revelations deepen Flynn legal jeopardy

Rachel Maddow rounds up a collection of new reporting in the Trump Russia investigation, including new revelations about former Trump NSA Mike Flynn and Special Counsel Robert Mueller looking into Flynn's son.