Monday, June 24, 2019

Company that runs immigration detention centers is top donor for three Texas congressmen

Private prison giant GEO Group, which both jails and employs migrants, expects its earnings to grow to $2.3 billion this year. Like other private prison companies, it made sizable donations to Trump's campaign and inaugural


House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff said lawmakers intend to reach a decision this week about whether to subpoena special counsel Robert Mueller to testify

AG Barr released his misleading summary but withheld the Mueller report from public view for 3 weeks. ⁦@BarbMcQuade⁩ & I dispel some myths the public was fed during that time & that obscure Mueller’s actual conclusions

Powell also said she is trying to get a security clearance so that she can review relevant documents in Flynn’s case. But government said they hadn’t given the defense anything classified as part of discovery. “We don’t know what defense counsel is reviewing,” Van Grack said.

The Murdoch family: Picking up where David Pecker left off. Of course, when David Pecker killed stories they were true so ... ah, I guess that's confirmation?

Some news: Murdoch lieutenant Col Allan ordered the removal of the New York Post's story on Jean Carroll's sexual assault allegation against Trump

Adding to this news. DHS officials: These children have been moved to a tent detention camp in the El Paso sector and will remain in the custody of border patrol.

A White House visit for the Toronto Raptors is a "hard no," guard Danny Green says.

Trump says he's sanctioning the Ayatollah Khomeini, who has been dead since 1989.

A federal judge has found that the Trump admin's addition of a citizenship census question might have been motivated by a desire to reduce the political clout of Hispanics and said he'd reopen the case, if given the opportunity, to rule on new evidence.

BREAKING: Chairman @RepCummings seeks information and transcribed interview on WH compliance with the law regarding #Trump’s communications with #Putin.

More sanctions? Entire ramp up against Iran seems not well thought out. None of Iran’s actions appear least bit surprising & US now looks weak, seems world sides more w/Iran. Could Trump’s staff not prepare him for this? Or did POTUS not understand?

John Kelly, (Trump's former Chief of Staff), sits on the board of Caliburn which owns the company awarded $222 million to operate Homestead, the notorious child prison in Florida. The Trump administration is PROFITING off the cruel treatment of children

In the Michael Flynn case, Judge Sullivan orders defense and the govt to file a status report by the end of August. Flynn’s new lawyer, Sidney Powell, says she anticipates Flynn will testify for govt at July trial of his former biz partner.

The Treasury Department's inspector general said it will review the Trump administration's decision to delay the release of the redesigned $20 note with the image of abolitionist Harriet Tubman

Let’s check Mike Pence’s claims: Cleaner air and water. FALSE. — More polluted air days during Trump's first two years in office than any of the four years before. Lower emissions. FALSE. — U.S. carbon emissions went up 3.4% in 2018. Wrong, Mr. Vice President. And wrong again.

Ex-Trump Aide Jason Miller Leaves High-Powered Firm Teneo After Jerry Nadler ‘Fat F*ck’ Tweets

Breaking from WaPo: The White House moves to bar Kellyanne Conway from testifying to Congress about alleged violations of the Hatch Act.

Iran: New US sanctions target supreme leader

#BREAKING: U.S. President Donald Trump has signed a new executive order to impose fresh sanctions on Iran just days after the country shot down a United States drone.

Something strange is happening in the briefing room...

Despite the Oval Office announcement from the President, the White House is still under lock down without any additional guidance from @SecretService.

Trump says Iran can't have a nuclear weapon meanwhile he sends a friendly letter to Kim Jong Un who has them and a way to deliver them.

The sentiment was most pronounced in Lebanon, Palestine and Yemen, where 75% or more of those surveyed were of this view.

The only way to interview Trump: Don’t move past his FIRST lie until he acknowledges his FIRST lie. No matter how long it takes.

Jakelin Amei Rosmery Caal Maquin liked to climb trees. She jumped when her dad told her she could come with him to the U.S. She thought she might get her first toy; she'd just got her first pair of shoes. She died on December 8 in our government’s custody. She was 7.

Here is Why Trump 'Wins' When Facing Non-Friendly Interviews, and What Should Be Done About It

“Call Rod, tell Rod that Mueller has conflicts and can’t be the Special Counsel,” Trump said during a second phone call that same day. “Mueller has to go. ... Call me back when you do it.” - Mueller Report

Bank of America is the only major bank profiting from concentration camps in the United States of America. Today, we will begin contacting their Board of Directors. Clayton S. Rose is the President of Bowdoin College. He is also a board member at Bank of America.

Why don't you concentrate on the two failed and corrupt SC nuclear projects that cost the ppl of SC 9 Billion USD. PS also Jamal Khashoggi...

For context, here's the latest from Secret Service. I do not know that the call for members of the pool and the suspicious package are related

Opinion: What about the advisers who tried to goad Trump into war?

Looks like we're officially on lockdown—suspicious package on Pennsylvania Avenue.

More from @MaxBoot on what happens when allies and adversaries don't take the US president literally or seriously

Supreme Court Orders Documents Unsealed In Death-Penalty Case

The White House just called the press pool unexpectedly- we are told they’re going into the Oval Office, but are not given a reason why. We should know shortly.

The first campaign ad from the Democrat running for Susan Collins' Senate seat. Sara Gideon is Maine's House Speaker.

I don’t think hand sanitizer is gonna get that Yemeni blood off his hands.

These 11 Mueller Report Myths Just Won’t Die. Here’s Why They’re Wrong

HAPPENING NOW: The White House is under lockdown. Press is being assembled in the briefing room.

Who’s running America? A group of American oligarchs who think nothing of spoiling the earth, raiding our coffers and manipulating the idiot in the WH. The Shadow Cabinet: How a Group of Powerful Business Leaders Drove Trump’s Agenda

Where are the separated children. We can't let them keep any of them. Potential slaves or sexual slaves. ALL of the children must be located.

MSNBC’s Morning Joe spills new rumors about how Rudy Giuliani’s drinking kept him out of the White House

Vigilante arrested for impersonating U.S. border patrol agent

It's spelled "Strait" of Hormuz. It's been in the news for yrs. Why are you doing this? You can't even function or speak a coherent sentence anymore. Every day you publicly humiliate yourself as you stumble. Resign & see a neurologist. FYI The US Military is not a mercenary force

Who appointed these know-nothings!

The Trump admin is still separating hundreds of migrant children at the border through often questionable claims of danger, according to the Houston Chronicle.

Trump’s golf buddy pitched the president on an “oversight committee” for federal spending on dental care. Then he cited the project in an effort to expand his dental practice.

Bannon, Farage, Breitbart,’s the background piece to the news this morning of Johnson’s relationship with Bannon. The US far right & how it played a ‘foundational’ role in Brexit

"After assessing 39 children under the age of 18, she described conditions [of] 'extreme cold temperatures, lights on 24 hours a day, no adequate access to medical care, basic sanitation, water, or adequate food.' All showed evidence of trauma."

Jeremy Hunt accuses Boris Johnson of "slinking through the back door" to 10 Downing Street

Chief Special Warfare Operator Edward R. “Eddie” Gallagher, a 20-year veteran of the Navy, fatally shot a man and a young girl in Iraq during separate incidents in 2017, two of his fellow SEALS told a military court Friday afternoon

They know he’s a rapist, they just don’t care. They know children are being tortured in concentration camps, they just don’t care. They know, they just don’t care.

“The United States is taking children away from their family unit and reclassifying them as unaccompanied children. But they were not unaccompanied children. And some of them were separated from their parents.” This is insane.

For Nancy Pelosi, Impeachment Timing Matters

Great!!! BREAKING: Democrats to Vote to Subpoena Kellyanne Conway Over Repeated Violations of Federal Law

Salt Lake Tribune Editorial Board: "Our nation is operating concentration camps for refugee children. We need to stop denying that and decide if we are comfortable with that fact. And how we will explain it to our children

At stake here is whether Roberts will allow the Trump administration to rig American politics for the next decade by corrupting the census, and turn the Supreme Court into an unmistakable ally of the Republican Party and white power.

"One heading in the document about Kris Kobach, in the running for Homeland Security Secretary, listed 'white supremacy' as a vulnerability. It cited accusations from past political opponents that he had ties to white supremacist groups."

Nearly 100 Trump vetting documents leaked to me identify a host of "red flags" about officials who went on to get some of the most powerful jobs in the U.S. government.

Trump, so you are placing more sanctions on Iran. You are trying to further provoke Iran so you can strike. You're alienating the other countries who were a part of the JCPOA. How can you expect our allies to join w/ us in a war with Iran?

How did a journalist allow Trump to say Obama started family separations and he ended it -- why didn't @chucktodd say that is simply a lie? Does he just not know the facts? Was it heat of the moment confusion? Or fear of challenging it? Nothing excuses it, nothing.

Add in the Trad & dominionist movement with southern evangelicals through compromised Americans like Franklin Graham. Want to know more? Here’s a link to when he bent the knee and kissed the ring to Putin.

“Hi, I am pro-life. We must protect the children.” “Great! Like the the children dying in cages?” “No. Not those children.”

Chuck Todd asks Trump about holding Saudi Arabia accountable for Jamal Khashoggi's murder, and Trump responds by citing Saudi's billions of $$'s in business with the U.S.

Wilmer died May 14th in Trumps camps, he was 2 years old.

I have a feeling that the men and women of ICE don’t know about the Nuremberg trials. They probably don’t know the it wasn’t just the Nazi Leadership that was put on trial. Complicit doctors, lawyers, soldiers and even guards were put on trial for their crimes against humanity.

Omg the Oregon GOP is using a fake image -- these are actually *timber industry workers* protesting logging restrictions at the Capitol, not militia protesting a climate bill. Here's video footage from the event:

THEY got toothpaste.

We will soon reach the point — if we haven’t already reached it — when those who oppose starting an #ImpeachmentInquiryNOW will become complicit in the ongoing violation of our Constitution and the continuing endangerment of our national security. Please wake up and move!

Hunt tells Johnson to stop being a ‘coward’ and face questions

Pence blames Congress for harsh conditions at migrant child detention centers

TRUMP suggests he might want his presidential library built on one of his properties. * That could result in his presidential library foundation (& possibly taxpayers) paying his company for rent, maintenance, etc., for years after he leaves office.

But but manufactured crisis are the only ones this administration can solve.

While you were so worried immigrants would take your jobs & benefits. Capitalism stole your pension, took your savings, sent your jobs overseas, robbed you of health care, dismantled the educational system & put you in debt, leaving you only your racism, xenophobia, hate, & guns.

The president’s daughter seems not very bothered by the kids in the camps.

Migrant children at least two U.S. Customs and Border Protection facilities face conditions one doctor described as comparable to "torture facilities."

"The RNC vetted some left field contenders. Nobody we spoke to, including senior members of the transition, could remember what job Hollywood talent agent Ari Emanuel was vetted for," @jonathanvswan writes. Here's his vetting document...

"I've been down there throughout my 15 years in Congress and before that, as a federal prosecutor. This is the worst I've ever seen it." GOP Rep. Mike McCaul, past Chair of House Homeland Security Committee, commenting on border detention center conditions.

‘Let then call you racist...Wear it as a badge of honour’ - Steve Bannon addressing National Front rally with Marine Le Pen. Four months later, he was advising Boris Johnson

Some of the “red flags” the RNC noted for potential Trump appointees: Kris Kobach and “white supremacy,” Rudy Giuliani’s extensive foreign entanglements, Gen. Petraeus’ opposition to torture.

Erdogan just suffered a humiliating defeat. And thanks to Istanbul, Turkey’s democracy just won a famous victory

Trump, is your confrontation w/ Iran a diversionary tactic? Do you believe getting the US worrying about a war w/ Iran will overshadow growing calls for an impeachment inquiry? Trump, you are a dangerous, narcissistic, poor excuse for a leader. You deserve to be impeached.

As a candidate, Trump said he could eliminate in eight years not just the federal deficit but the entire national debt accumulated over nearly two centuries. Instead, the nation's debt to the public has risen by another $1.7 trillion since he took office.

The Oregon Republican Party actually chose to tweet this.

Trump’s failed policies have exacerbated the situation at the border, where children endure inhumane conditions on a daily basis. This week, the House will advance legislation to protect families & fund effective, humane alternatives to detention.

It is obvious that Mr. Trump is a terrible judge of character. His nominees for various high level cabinet positions have been unqualified, unforthcoming, or engaged in behavior unbecoming of a public servant. His standards should not be our standards

Popular knitting website bans shows of support for Trump, saying its "undeniably support for white supremacy"

The administration, researchers said, appears to be trying to limit the circulation of evidence of climate change and avoid press coverage that may raise questions about the administration’s stance on the issue

We need to pass the legislation by @CongressmanRuiz that mandates health and humane standards at these facilities asap. Unfortunately, time and time again @realDonaldTrump officials have shown they will inflict cruelty & act inhumanely until Congress or the courts stop them.

Oh, so someone did vet all these crooks, and they knew they were corrupt, and then other crooks ignored the vetting and just decided to give them jobs in the USG anyway. Cool. The role models we need.

It's telling when the largest manufacturer of election equipment is calling on Congress to require paper ballots. We have a bill right now in the Senate to mandate hand-marked paper ballots in all federal elections - let's get it done.

Donald Trump meets 30 men to discuss future of maternity care under new healthcare bill. Not one woman.

All white guys too.

Hotels with vacancies on July 4th, offering average rates: Willard, Ritz, Four Seasons Meanwhile Trump Hotel is sold out, and on the 5th, rates are double.

Donald Trump has been credibly accused of first-degree rape again. There is no justice in a country where a man is not locked up for committing such an evil act. At least 15 women I know of have accused him of similar acts. The House needs to investigate.

Any privately-run detention facility with standards that wouldn't pass basic inspection for under-age care should be fined into oblivion, then barred from holding future federal contracts if they don't bring up the standards and accept monitors.

Nearly 100 internal Trump transition vetting documents leaked to Axios identify a host of "red flags" about officials who went on to get some of the most powerful jobs in the government. The leak sheds light on the slap-dash way Trump filled his cabinet.

We're surrounded by horribleness and convinced it can't touch us. Which of us will be the first to be wrong?