Saturday, August 25, 2018

CNN reporting John McCain requested that both George W Bush and Barack Obama deliver eulogies at his funeral.

Our statement on the passing of Senator John McCain:

John McCain, senator and former presidential candidate, dies at 81

Statement From The Office Of Senator John McCain

"To date, no one in the Trump Administration has been held accountable for its family-separation policy, even after evidence has steadily mounted as to its immense human costs and administrative failures."

Now appearing on the Santa Monica Freeway.

"Ridiculous," said one California Republican Hill aide about Duncan Hunter blaming his wife. "If you read the indictment, clearly it was both of them ... Like, how do you stay married to a guy who does that?"

This bears repeating: Trump’s tax bill raised taxes on Connecticut families by $10 billion. $10 BILLION

Rand Paul, Russian Stooge

Trump has told White House aides he does not regret saying McCain is not a war hero. He tells advisers that McCain has a vendetta against him and that he wishes he’d step down. He doesn’t plan to say a laudatory word about the ailing senator.

Putin arrests opposition politician Alexey Navalny once again. If there were free and fair elections in Russia, Navalny would be president and Putin would be in jail.

"The three illegal acts that may have helped Trump win the presidency."

Oh, you mean Dr. Oz, whose parents enjoy close relations with the dictator, Erdogan?

Since I became New York’s AG, people have asked me how I deal with the relentless tide of toxic public policies coming out of Washington.

NEW: Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey to testify before House Energy and Commerce Committee. "When decisions about data and content are made using opaque processes, the American people are right to raise concerns," Committee Chair Greg Walden says.

The President of the United States was asked to color a flag and he made it Russian, FFS.

.@realDonaldTrump is it true that Pecker’s safe holds evidence that you had sex with underage girls?

Prosecutors inch closer to Trump with immunity deal for Trump Org CFO

These mafia stories are great and all, but where the hell were they in 2016?

Jailed Russian of Interest in U.S. Election Probe, Official Says

Yesterday was our 27th day straight on the road. 5,375.1 miles in. I know that we are the people who are going to lead the way. And we're going to do it together -- for this state, for our country, for every single person in every single county of Texas.

A coordinated attempt to use a sham charity as a source of campaign funds and self-enrichment is...conspiracy. And on that front, noteworthy in the WaPo piece above is the role of Corey Lewandowski in asking Weiselberg to bring the Foundation checks to campaign events.

Members of the Senate Rules and Administration Committee that overseas federal elections today stalled a bill–Secure Elections Act–that enjoys bipartisan support and would have significantly shored up election system defenses against the threat of Russian

Don't think Kirstjen Nielsen and Donald Trump's child separation policy has consequences? Watch this. This is their legacy.

Stop Blaming Investigators More Than Criminals for Trump’s Woes

This National Enquirer "catch and kill" contract was also signed during the campaign — November 15, 2015 — five days after a primary debate in WI,

Pretty chilling NYT story about how Jim Jordan’s crusade to expose Stefan Halper as a confidential source appears to have scared off multiple sources inside Russia who are helping US intelligence community understand Putin’s next steps

Michael Cohen Guilty Plea Reveals Link to Qatari Royal Family

Trump just thanked "the great Jim Jordan" at the Ohio Republican Party's annual dinner, adding, "Don't ever wrestle him." Jordan is accused by multiple Ohio State wrestlers that he coached of having ignored sexual abuse that they were experiencing

Trump spoke for more than 50 minutes, and mentioned Kim Kardashian, Maxine Waters and the NFL repeatedly But not once did he mention that the most lauded Republican lawmaker in a generation announced today that he is dying.

Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey is required by law to fill vacancies in the state's U.S. Senate delegation.

A fifth-generation coal miner from Virginia says President Trump is making "false promises that are only going to line the pockets of coal executives."

Texas requires photo ID to vote. Now they're proposing closing 87 DMV offices where you get ID. 78 counties will have no DMV office. This is same state where you can vote with gun permit but not student ID

QAnon kook & conspiracy theorist Lionel Lebron got a personal White House tour & had photos taken at the Resolute Desk with Trump. Not only did the Kook visit the White House but he also swung by RT studios. RT America, the Russian government channel

WATCH: Sen. John McCain blasts "half-baked nationalism" in a speech made while receiving the Liberty Medal in 2017.

Jerry George, the former LA bureau chief of the National Enquirer, tells @CNN that Trump had stories killed about his kids, ex-wives, and Melania, too. Says David Pecker knows about all of it.

EXCLUSIVE: the former Trump World Tower doorman who claims to know about an affair Trump had with a former housekeeper that resulted in a child, was “recently” let out of his contract with AMI, allowing him to speak about the “catch-and-kill” contract.

If the president is an unindicted co-conspirator in this illegal campaign felony, then at what point should we stop confirmation hearings on Kavanaugh?

Ex-Watergate prosecutor: Immunity for CFO could lead to "downfall of Trump Organization"

Fed's Bullard warns of recession risk in raising rates

JUST IN: Lawyers for Maria Butina ask for the court to allow her to be released from jail, to home detention with electronic monitoring, pending trial.

“I am able to celebrate a wonderful life,” ⁦@SenJohnMcCain⁩ told me almost a year ago.

16 states urged the U.S. Supreme Court to rule that companies can fire workers based on their sexual orientation & gender identity. They said Congress didn’t intend the ban on sex discrimination in the 1964 Civil Rights Act to cover LGBT employees

Impeachment would remedy Trump’s “high crimes and misdemeanors,” but not his unconstitutional presidency. We should also aim for its annulment -- his appointments, legislation, rules and executive orders.

It Would Take Exactly One Senator to Get Trump’s Taxes

Tomi Lahren appears at a campaign rally for @GOP candidate for Senate in #AZ, Kelly Ward. There is a **Nazi Symbol** on the front of the stage, right next to Ward’s campaign

The St. Louis Post-Dispatch calls for Brett Kavanaugh's hearing to be postponed: "Presumption of innocence doesn’t require the Senate to let [Trump] seat a Supreme Court nominee while facing an allegation that could put his fate in that nominee’s hands."

Lawrence: Trump’s ‘worst week’ as top allies talk to feds

.@AdamDavidson joins Dorothy Wickenden to discuss what Manafort’s and Cohen’s legal troubles tell us about Trump’s history of corrupt business deals, and how to anticipate the disclosures to come.

Spiro Agnew lawyer: Trump should resign to keep Mueller from prosecuting his family

Family: Don't exploit Mollie Tibbetts' death for racist view

Sens Menendez & Shaheen send letter to @SecPompeo requesting relevant docs and interpreter notes from the Trump-Putin summit in Helsinki —>

Kremlin Sources Go Quiet, Leaving C.I.A. in the Dark About Putin’s Plans for Midterms

SUSAN COLLINS tells me she sees "NO BASIS" for delaying Kavanaugh hearings.

Nothing like the possibility of an illegitimate child to really cement the president’s status as the most Christian president ever

Did the Trump Organization break the law in building a hotel in Baku with the "Corleones of the Caspian"?

Shep Smith Calls out ‘Personal Friend’ Bill Shine for Banning CNN Reporter

LINT. The Weiselberg news can't be divorced from the current civil suit against the Trump Foundation by the NY AG

Fox News anchor Bret Baier says Trump was ‘clearly’ not being truthful in his Fox & Friends interview

JUST IN: Trump met with promoter of "QAnon" conspiracy theory in Oval Office

Opinion: It’s up to Kavanaugh to do the right thing

The way Senator McCain has been treated in the twilight of his life, particularly by members of his own party, has been heartbreaking.

BREAKING: New Trump administration breakdown of 2,654 separated migrant kids.

Roger Stone aide granted immunity by Feds