Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Alex Jones Will Fuck Alec Baldwin The Fuck Up, Because He Hurt HIS FEELINGS!!!

Kushner family to make $400M from real estate deal with Chinese firm: report

'This is a life and death thing': Congressman on ACA

Democratic Reps. Tom Suozzi and Joe Kennedy III discuss the House GOP plans to reform the ACA.

Monica Crowley registers as foreign agent for Ukranian billionaire

Rachel Maddow Beats Fox News For An Entire Week As Younger Viewers Flock To MSNBC

Flynn documents reveal debunked Clinton scandal figure on payroll

Rachel Maddow reports on how the documents filed by disgraced former Trump national security adviser Mike Flynn to declare himself a foreign agent lobbying on behalf of the interests of Turkey also show Flynn making payments to an FBI official at the center of a Fox News-hyped Clinton e-mail scandal that was ultimately debunked.

NEW VIDEO: The Daily Trump-Russia Roundup! Monica Crowley hired by Pro-Kremlin Oligarch. Russia Russia Russia

Read my latest on Ag sec nominee Sonny Perdue's long string of ethics conflicts

Humana CEO's $19.7 million pay nearly double from previous year

Just One More Thing: Why Did Michael Flynn Pay This Ex-FBI Guy $28K?

10 Most Despicable Stories Breitbart Published Under Bannon

American Taliban

Blizzard Binge Watch: Amerika

Reagan era mini series on You Tube shows chilling, bloodless Russian coup of the United States.
It's pretty scary!

The 1987 TV Miniseries That Predicted a Russian Takeover of ...

Jan 7, 2017 - The 1987 TV Miniseries That Predicted a Russian Takeover of America ... at the time for peddling the histrionic premise of a bloodless coup.

Amerika 01 (of 13)

All of Donald Trump's Russia ties in 7 charts

Crazy Racist Old Lady Kicks A Man & His Kids Out Of A Hospital For Being Black - Presumably Stroked Out

When Republicans claim they are the Party Of Lincoln

CBO report adds to Mike Pence's woes es

Lying POS

Meet The Woman Running Against White Supremacist Steve King In Iowa – This Is How To Help Her Win

Kim Weaver!

Petition: Tell Sen. Schumer: Remove Joe Manchin from the Democratic Senate Leadership

Here’s how Fox Business covered the CBO report that 24 million people would lose their insurance

Dutch see Trump as cautionary election lesson amid Wilders ascent - Maddow

Erik Mouthaan, North America correspondent for Dutch RTL TV, talks with Rachel Maddow about the concern among some Dutch voters about the popularity of anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim politician Geert Wilders, who some have dubbed "the Dutch Trump."


Sean Spicer suggested that President Trump’s unsubstantiated claims weren’t meant to be taken literally

Border patrol to hire some Bad Hombres

Loretta Lynch

White House has instructed the State Dept. and the US mission to the UN to cut budget for UN programs, officials say

Trump's Lies on Wiretapping, Health Care: A Closer Look

Seth takes a closer look at Trump's outlandish claims on wiretapping and the Republican plan to repeal and replace Obamacare.

Attorney with Trump investigations in purview part of mass firing

Rachel Maddow looks at some of the questionable dealings by Donald Trump and his inner circle and notes that Preet Bharara, who would have been investigating those questions, was part of the abrupt mass firing of U.S. attorneys by Donald Trump.

Twitter User Reveals Most Compelling Evidence Of Trump Corruption Yet (IMAGES)