CBS News confirms that electronic surveillance of Paul Manafort occurred during 2016 campaign.— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) September 20, 2017
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
CBS News confirms that electronic surveillance of Paul Manafort occurred during 2016 campaign.
Bob Mueller Brings on FBI Alum Stephen Kelly to Handle Capitol Hill
One source on a committee investigating Trump/Russia said Stephen Kelly is an "asshole"— Betsy Woodruff (@woodruffbets) September 20, 2017
Anybody who joined Team Trump knew who Donnie is and deserves no sympathy. Same for RNC, which failed to stop him.
Anybody who joined Team Trump knew who Donnie is and deserves no sympathy. Same for RNC, which failed to stop him.— John Schindler (@20committee) September 19, 2017
BREAKNG: Republicans don't understand the concept of "insurance".
BREAKNG: Republicans don't understand the concept of "insurance".— ☪️ Charles Gaba ✡️ (@charles_gaba) September 19, 2017
Hospitals come out against new ObamaCare repeal bill
Hospitals come out against new ObamaCare repeal bill— The Hill (@thehill) September 20, 2017
Mueller's team is slowly surrounding Trump, as prosecutors might treat a mob boss
Mueller's team is slowly surrounding Trump, as prosecutors might treat a mob boss— Wendy Siegelman (@WendySiegelman) September 19, 2017
Exclusive: Mueller team's focus on Manafort spans 11 years
Donald Trump is a career criminal so it makes sense he hired another career criminal as his campaign manager.— Claude Taylor (@TrueFactsStated) September 20, 2017
Sen Blumenthal: "a pardon of Paul Manafort could be additional evidence of obstruction of justice." WATCH
.@SenBlumenthal: "a pardon of Paul Manafort could be additional evidence of obstruction of justice." WATCH:— Hardball (@hardball) September 19, 2017
After committing treason, fraud must feel like a misdemeanor.
After committing treason, fraud must feel like a misdemeanor. @realDonaldTrump— Tea Pain (@TeaPainUSA) September 19, 2017
Treason is expensive: Flynn plans to spend $1 million in legal bills - and he wants it to be funded by dark money
Treason is expensive: Flynn plans to spend $1 million in legal bills - and he wants it to be funded by dark money— Eric Garland (@ericgarland) September 19, 2017
I am sending formal inquiries to @Experian and @TransUnion to determine how they are protecting our data. We cannot allow another #Equifax.
I am sending formal inquiries to @Experian and @TransUnion to determine how they are protecting our data.— Eric Schneiderman (@AGSchneiderman) September 19, 2017
We cannot allow another #Equifax.
For generations, ppl have fought to protect democracy. Now it’s our turn. Watch Morgan Freeman explain Russia’s plot to undermine the U.S
For generations, ppl have fought to protect democracy. Now it’s our turn. Watch Morgan Freeman explain Russia’s plot to undermine the U.S.— Investigate Russia (@InvestigateRU) September 19, 2017
Meet the woman who warned about Russian election meddling years ago—and got death threats
The right-wing harassment of this FEC commissioner makes me ask: For how long were they planning this collusion?— Eric Garland (@ericgarland) September 19, 2017
Opinion: Trump’s pardon of Arpaio can — and should — be overturned
Opinion: Trump’s pardon of Arpaio can — and should — be overturned— Washington Post (@washingtonpost) September 19, 2017
Based on what we know, here’s a former federal prosecutor’s expert read on where Mueller's investigation is heading
Based on what we know, here’s a former federal prosecutor’s expert read on where Mueller's investigation is heading— POLITICO (@politico) September 19, 2017
A 3.6 magnitude earthquake has hit Los Angeles
A 3.6 magnitude earthquake has hit Los Angeles— Newsweek (@Newsweek) September 19, 2017
Wikileaks releases documents it claims detail Russia mass surveillance apparatus
Wikileaks releases documents it claims detail Russia mass surveillance apparatus by @riptari— TechCrunch (@TechCrunch) September 19, 2017
The Education Department will allow two large for-profit colleges to become nonprofits
The Education Department will allow two large for-profit colleges to become nonprofits— BuzzFeed News (@BuzzFeedNews) September 19, 2017
GOP Senate candidate targets Republican leader Mitch McConnell in Alabama race
GOP Senate candidate targets Republican leader Mitch McConnell in Alabama race— Bloomberg (@business) September 19, 2017
NEW: In Alabama, it’s Trump vs. Bannon and Breitbart
NEW: In Alabama, it’s Trump vs. Bannon and Breitbart— The Hill (@thehill) September 19, 2017
John McCain Faces a New Test of His Principles
"It would be a tragedy for him if he went back on his word so blatantly."— Topher Spiro (@TopherSpiro) September 19, 2017
Senators Who Had Voted Against Obamacare Repeal Are Now Wavering
Senators Who Had Voted Against Obamacare Repeal Are Now Wavering | HuffPost— Jon Cooper (@joncoopertweets) September 19, 2017
Mueller's Facebook Warrant means the game is over for Kushner, Bannon, Cambridge Analytica. Oh, and Trump
Mueller's Facebook Warrant means the game is over for Kushner, Bannon, Cambridge Analytica. Oh, and Trump— Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) September 19, 2017
Secretary of Louisiana Department of Health
Secretary of Louisiana Department of Health— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) September 19, 2017
The pro-Russia, pro-weed, pro-Assange GOP congressman who will be tough to beat
The pro-Russia, pro-weed, pro-Assange GOP congressman who will be tough to beat - San Francisco Chronicle— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) September 19, 2017
Watch this NYT reporter explains why Mueller’s Russia probe mirrors ‘an organized crime syndicate’ investigation
Watch this NYT reporter explains why Mueller’s Russia probe mirrors ‘an organized crime syndicate’ investigation— Sarah Burris (@SarahBurris) September 19, 2017
CNN Exclusive: US government wiretapped Trump campaign chair Paul Manafort, conversations with Trump included.
CNN Exclusive: US government wiretapped Trump campaign chair Paul Manafort, conversations with Trump included.— Yashar Ali 🐘 (@yashar) September 18, 2017
McGahn, Pence knew about Trump's real reason for firing Comey (Russia)–making VP guilty of obstruction of justice if he helped with the memo
McGahn, Pence knew about Trump's real reason for firing Comey (Russia)–making VP guilty of obstruction of justice if he helped with the memo— Adam Khan (@Khanoisseur) September 18, 2017
Former whistleblower starts legal aid group to guide would-be tipsters
"A lot of people have questions about whether this administration respects the rule of law.”#Honesty#Transparency— IFCL (@INQuakerPolicy) September 19, 2017
Equifax collects your information every day and is required, by law, to protect that data. Now Equifax has to pay
Equifax collects your information every day and is required, by law, to protect that data. Now Equifax has to pay.— Maura Healey (@MassAGO) September 19, 2017
Ferocious winds rip through Guadeloupe as Hurricane #Maria ravages the Caribbean as a Category 5 storm
Ferocious winds rip through Guadeloupe as Hurricane #Maria ravages the Caribbean as a Category 5 storm— ABC News (@ABC) September 19, 2017
Pence, who could cast a deciding vote on Obamacare repeal, is leaving New York and returning to Washington today
Pence, who could cast a deciding vote on Obamacare repeal, is leaving New York and returning to Washington today— Bloomberg Politics (@bpolitics) September 19, 2017
Watergate veteran takes center stage in Trump-Russia probe
Watergate veteran takes center stage in Trump-Russia probe— The Daily Beast (@thedailybeast) September 19, 2017
Questions surround Trump's $25 million inaugural concert
Questions surround Trump's $25 million inaugural concert | MSNBC— Derringer (@ladiesgun) September 19, 2017
Senator Graham, you thought it was a good idea to go on Brietbart radio? Let me remind you what Brietbart is.
Senator Graham, you thought it was a good idea to go on Brietbart radio? Let me remind you what Brietbart is. 1 #ConfrontWhiteSupremacy— THE Princess 👑 (@TheSWPrincess) September 19, 2017
When fascism came to America it was wrapped in the Confederate flag and renamed "economic anxiety" by the MSM.
When fascism came to America it was wrapped in the Confederate flag and renamed "economic anxiety" by the MSM.— Propane Jane™ (@docrocktex26) December 18, 2016
Sebastian Gorka has found a new home. It's called the "MAGA Coalition"
Sebastian Gorka has found a new home. It's called the "MAGA Coalition"— Axios (@axios) September 19, 2017
Donald Trump Jr. and Kellyanne Conway reportedly decline Secret Service protection
Donald Trump Jr. and Kellyanne Conway reportedly decline Secret Service protection— Jon Cooper (@joncoopertweets) September 19, 2017
Breaking: Donald Trump Jr. stops using Secret Service. Agents are law enforcement and could be called to testify what they hear.— Pesach 'Pace' Lattin (@pacelattin) September 19, 2017
White Supremacist Extremist Imagery - Learn more
The real threat.White Supremacist Extremist Imagery - Learn more at #IntelUnclass
— NJ Homeland Security (@NJOHSP) September 18, 2017
Trump lawyer to meet with Senate Intelligence Committee Tuesday in Russia probe
Trump lawyer to meet with Senate Intelligence Committee Tuesday in Russia probe— In Spite of Trump (@InSpiteOfTrump) September 19, 2017
By converting from charter to private, some schools shield themselves from accountability while taking public $
By converting from charter to private, some schools shield themselves from accountability while taking public $:— ProPublica (@ProPublica) September 19, 2017
Congressmen Investigating Russia Will Have Some Questions for Twitter
Congressmen Investigating Russia Will Have Some Questions for Twitter— Mother Jones (@MotherJones) September 19, 2017
A handful of ultra-rich dynastic families are bleeding the country dry & destroying American democracy
A handful of ultra-rich dynastic families are bleeding the country dry & destroying American democracy— Raw Story (@RawStory) September 19, 2017
We're not even to the really damning stuff yet, peeps. There's much more to come. All of Team Treason is SIGINTscrewed. Stay tuned
We're not even to the really damning stuff yet, peeps. There's much more to come.— Counterchekist (@counterchekist) September 19, 2017
All of Team Treason is #SIGINTscrewed. Stay tuned :-)
Be careful what you wish for peeps. What's really on those tapes is far worse than you think. Far, far worse.— Counterchekist (@counterchekist) September 19, 2017
Manafort had cunningly transferred his treasonous servers etc to Florida and inanely thought Marshals didn't know
Manafort had cunningly transferred his treasonous servers etc to Florida and inanely thought Marshals didn't know— Louise Mensch (@LouiseMensch) August 5, 2017
GOP Senators meeting tomorrow to discuss ACA repeal. FLOOD THEIR PHONES NOW.
🚨 GOP Senators meeting tomorrow to discuss ACA repeal. FLOOD THEIR PHONES NOW.— Topher Spiro (@TopherSpiro) September 18, 2017
The Story of the Man Who Tried to Block Donald Trumps U.N.-Blocking Tower
The Story of the Man Who Tried to Block Donald Trumps U.N.-Blocking Tower— In Spite of Trump (@InSpiteOfTrump) September 19, 2017
Federal investigators got secret warrant to wiretap Manafort: report
Federal investigators got secret warrant to wiretap Manafort: report— The Hill (@thehill) September 19, 2017
Fired Fox News host Bill O’Reilly busted for floating smear story on black woman he sexually harassed
Fired #FoxNews host Bill O’Reilly busted for floating smear story on black woman he sexually harassed— Raw Story (@RawStory) September 19, 2017
Eric Trump's old foundation apparently held secret event at Trump-Owned Golf Club
Eric Trump's old foundation apparently held secret event at Trump-Owned Golf Club— Forbes (@Forbes) September 19, 2017
Don Jr. is giving up his Secret Service detail and the reason is shocking
Don Jr. is giving up his Secret Service detail and the reason is shocking— Raw Story (@RawStory) September 19, 2017
JUST IN: Category 5 Hurricane Maria is now headed for the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico, says National Hurricane Center
What a great time to cut taxes for the 1%
JUST IN: Category 5 Hurricane Maria is now headed for the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico, says National Hurricane Center— NBC News (@NBCNews) September 19, 2017
Facebook investor DST comes with ties to Alisher Usmanov and the Kremlin
2009 DST bought 2% of FB for 200M Pounds. 2011 stake was up by 10% owned by Yuri->RU comm. of modernization— Gabi (@Lark2ule) September 19, 2017
China says North Korea nuclear issue must be resolved peacefully
China says North Korea nuclear issue must be resolved peacefully— Reuters Top News (@Reuters) September 19, 2017
Senate Dems launch protest on Senate floor against new GOP ObamaCare repeal bill
Senate Dems launch protest on Senate floor against new GOP ObamaCare repeal bill— The Hill (@thehill) September 19, 2017
Homeland Security: Sudanese and South Sudanese may stay longer in U.S.
Homeland Security: Sudanese and South Sudanese may stay longer in U.S.— POLITICO (@politico) September 19, 2017
Trump says U.S. prepared to take further action in Venezuela
Trump says U.S. prepared to take further action in Venezuela— POLITICO (@politico) September 19, 2017
Ex-Fox News commentator alleges anchor raped her, network retaliated against her in new lawsuit
Ex-Fox News commentator alleges anchor raped her, network retaliated against her in new lawsuit— The Hill (@thehill) September 19, 2017
How the FEC Turned a Blind Eye to Foreign Meddling
How the FEC Turned a Blind Eye to Foreign Meddling, by @AnnMRavel via @politicomag— Justin Hendrix (@justinhendrix) September 18, 2017
Political campaigns prep for battle with hackers
Political campaigns prep for battle with hackers via @DanielStrauss4 and @PoliticoScott— POLITICO (@politico) September 19, 2017
Dana Rohrabacher’s War
So how come this is not more publicized? @ninaandtito @JamesFourM could be turning point.— lonepine (@LonepineRjr) September 18, 2017
GOP gives up on bipartisanship, backs new Obamacare repeal
Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) is pushing a new ACA repeal-replace bill that has gained GOP backing but violates his own "Jimmy Kimmel Test." Fmr. Medicare and Medicaid Administrator Andy Slavitt and Washington Post opinion writer Jennifer Rubin join Lawrence O'Donnell.
Interior Report Recommends Cuts or Changes to Seven National Land Monuments
Interior Dept. recommends cuts or changes to 7 U.S. land monuments, according to a report reviewed by WSJ.— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) September 18, 2017
Senate Republicans considering trillion-dollar-plus tax cut for budget
News, via @wsj: Senate Republicans considering trillion-dollar-plus tax cut for budget, people familiar say— Steve Kopack (@SteveKopack) September 19, 2017
Mueller warned Manafort to expect an indictment
Mueller warned Manafort to expect an indictment: report— The Hill (@thehill) September 19, 2017
What DACA's end could mean for colleges
What DACA's end could mean for colleges, by @isabelfattal— The Atlantic (@TheAtlantic) September 19, 2017
Scott Walker approved $3 billion deal for a new Foxconn factory in Wisconsin
Scott Walker approved $3 billion deal for a new Foxconn factory in Wisconsin— Washington Post (@washingtonpost) September 19, 2017
I spoke to three NK experts tonight, and all were puzzled by SecDef saying US could attack without damage to Seoul
I spoke to three NK experts tonight, and all were puzzled by SecDef saying US could attack without damage to Seoul— Nick Visser (@nvisser) September 19, 2017
The fate of the GOP’s new Obamacare repeal push will come down to these senators
The fate of the GOP’s new Obamacare repeal push will come down to these senators— Vox (@voxdotcom) September 19, 2017
The New York Times and CNN Just Published Bombshells About the Trump-Russia Investigation
The New York Times and CNN Just Published Bombshells About the Trump-Russia Investigation— Sarah Smith (@SarahLSmith677) September 19, 2017
Facebook may be facing an 'era of accountability'
Facebook may be facing an 'era of accountability' as the problems keep piling up, @BarbaraOrtutay writes.— The Associated Press (@AP) September 19, 2017
Research: Trump Executive had partnership w/Paul Manafort—they were recently sued for taking kickbacks on Russia-Ukraine oil deals
#BREAKING Research: Trump Executive had partnership w/Paul Manafort—they were recently sued for taking kickbacks on Russia-Ukraine oil deals— Scott Dworkin (@funder) September 19, 2017
Paul Manafort was “a central figure when Russia's interference campaign was at peak performance”
.@RepSwalwell: Paul Manafort was “a central figure when Russia's interference campaign was at peak performance”— Anderson Cooper 360° (@AC360) September 19, 2017
Hurricane Maria made landfall on Dominica as a Category 5 storm with winds at 160 mph
Hurricane Maria made landfall on Dominica as a Category 5 storm with winds at 160 mph— CNN (@CNN) September 19, 2017
With a raid, an indictment threat and a flurry of subpoenas, Robert Mueller is setting an aggressive tone
With a raid, an indictment threat and a flurry of subpoenas, Robert Mueller is setting an aggressive tone— The New York Times (@nytimes) September 19, 2017
Mueller uses search warrant to get more on Russia from Facebook
Jim Rutenberg, media columnist for The New York Times, talks with Rachel Maddow about Special Counsel Robert Mueller using a search warrant to get more information from Facebook about how Russia used its platform to interfere in the U.S. democratic process.
Democrats prep for another fight to defend Obamacare from GOP
Senator Mazie Hirono talks with Rachel Maddow about the Republican drive to repeal the Affordable Care Act and how her personal story as a cancer patient and immigrant resonates with her constituents.
Manafort given 'shock-and-awe' treatment by Mueller team: NYT
Matt Apuzzo, reporter for The New York Times, talks with Rachel Maddow about the aggressive way Special Counsel Robert Mueller is pursuing his investigation of former Donald Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort.
Paul Manafort wiretapped and threatened with indictment: reports
Rachel Maddow reports breaking news from the New York Times about the aggressive nature of Special Counsel Mueller's raid of former Donald Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort's home, and news from CNN about communications intercepts of Manafort.
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