Friday, June 12, 2020

Pompeo plans to meet with Chinese officials in Hawaii

Customs and Border Protection used emergency funding meant for migrant families and children to pay for dirt bikes, canine supplies, computer equipment and other enforcement related-expenditures, according to a GAO report

Fiona Hill: “Trump didn’t look up when I came in and I don’t think he looked up the whole time I was giving my spiel about the terrorist attack... And then Ivanka came in and sat down next to me, the first thing she did was look at my shoes.”

AIRBORNE is the “dominant” route for the coronavirus transmission! New PNAS paper by a Nobel laureate’s group concludes this based on study of several studies and how transmission wasn’t truly slow until mask rules went into place. MASKS FOR ALL, please.

Trump: I think I’ve done more for the black community than any other President and let’s take a pass on Abraham Lincoln because he did good but although it’s always questionable, you know in other words the end result Harris: Well we are free Mr. President

North Korea says it is pulling away from its relationship with the U.S. two years after a historic handshake between President Trump and Kim Jong Un.

Case submitted. Doesn't look good for DOJ/Flynn. With Henderson's comment that Sullivan is an "excellent trial judge” and Wilkins drilling DOJ on the role of the district court, expect a 2-1 ruling denying Flynn's petition to force the judge to grant DOJ's motion to dismiss.

DOJ attorney closing out warns there are real harms to the government if it has to answer questions on AG Barr's policy judgement and why career prosecutors didn’t sign off on the motion to dismiss. “Courts were not supposed to go down this road,” Wall says.

Powell back now with her closing argues every court in the country has affirmed a grant of a motion to dismiss.

Tough choice

Woman accused of plowing her minivan into protesters in Indianapolis faces charges

“...under Donald Trump- first to Jeff Sessions, then to Matt Whitaker, and then to Bill Barr- it has gone from bad to worse to criminal.” 💥@glennkirschner2 on The New Abnormal podcast

John Bolton's lawyer didn't do him any favors this week. "Chuck Cooper volunteered that Bolton had violated both his NDA and perhaps a few criminal laws, including the Espionage Act," writes @NatlSecCnslrs.

Private equity firms haven’t just destroyed retail stores & killed jobs – they’ve exploited deep injustices that hurt Black & Brown families. That’s why I’ve got a bill to #StopWallStreetLooting & fundamentally change the industry.

8:46 - Dave Chappelle

BREAKING: Mayor Marty Walsh declares racism to be a public health crisis in #Boston

Wilkinson says there is no suggestion that Sullivan is going to call witnesses or that any of the other “parade of horribles" raised by DOJ will play out.

Wall closing out warns that denying Flynn's petition will pull the judiciary into a political fight that should play out in the public arena, and create "a spectacle in the district court."

Henderson says she doesn't see why the D.C. Circuit shouldn't observe regular order and allow Sullivan to rule, says the judge is "an old hand" and "an excellent trial judge."

Wall argues the courts can't step in without clear evidence of unconstitutional motives for dismissing a case, gives example of racially based prosecution.

Wall says DOJ has provided robust evidence of why to dismiss Flynn's case. “We went beyond what we felt we were obligated to do under the circumstances,” the govt attorney adds.

Rao asks what exactly the Art II problem is here. Wall says it's as “stark and as concrete as they come," with Judge Sullivan out on a fact finding inquiry and amicus Gleeson alleging that Trump and Barr engaged in “grave misconduct."

Wall says John Gleeson, the court-appointed expert/retired EDNY judge, flat out alleged misconduct by AG Barr.

Powell responds: “But he doesn’t have the authority to hold that hearing your honor." Judge Henderson says Judge Sullivan is "not a rubber stamp," and there’s nothing wrong with him holding a hearing in Flynn's case.

“Not a single case in the country has ever affirmed the denial of the motion to dismiss,” Powell argues. Wilkins responds that if Sullivan denies Flynn can appeal to the circuit then. But Flynn's attorney hits back says that would "simply be delaying the inevitable."

NEW: Miami Herald finds Covid cases surging since Florida has reopened, state downplaying threat.

People are frustrated and fed up with the lack of leadership from the current occupant of the White House

Another busy day for ⁦@realDonaldTrump

DELETE FACEBOOK. Wtf are you doing, people - keeping this gross, multi-billionaire PUNK in charge of our national and social discourse? Come. On.

Harry Reid, who was the Senate Majority Leader from 2007 to 2015, has been declared in “complete remission” after undergoing experimental treatment for pancreatic cancer

Our country is crying out for leadership that Donald Trump can’t deliver.

It is all intentional. It always has been. He was installed to destroy us

A judge is threatening to hold Tennessee officials in contempt for not allowing coronavirus fears as a valid excuse for mail-in voting

“Back on Earth, Trump’s accusation against Gugino was a serious abuse of power...It shows a willingness to sacrifice a U.S. citizen on the bonfire of a president’s interests and madness. It is an indication of selfishness that borders on inhumanity.”

Louisville bans ‘no-knocks’ after Breonna Taylor’s death

Hong Kong Has Been Tested Before, But Never Like This

Twitter announced that it had shut down more than 170,000 accounts tied to the Chinese government. Experts working with Twitter who reviewed the accounts said they pushed deceptive narratives around the Hong Kong protests, Covid-19, and other topics.

A US Air Force sergeant accused of ambushing Santa Cruz deputies is also believed to be the gunman who shot a federal officer in Oakland. He had been sharing “Boogaloo” memes, a libertarian anti-government militia movement preparing for civil war

Show Police Your Intentions Are Peaceful by Being White and Carrying an Assault Rifle:

Attendees of President Trump's upcoming rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, must agree not to sue the campaign if they contract coronavirus

Trump calls the National Guard spraying peaceful protesters with tear gas (and he actually admits here that yes, tear gas was used), was a "beautiful scene." "Like a knife cutting butter." What a psycho.

“The event for Mr. Trump in Jacksonville coincides with one of the darkest days in the city’s history ... the 60th anniversary of ‘Ax Handle Saturday,’ when a white mob organized by the Ku Klux Klan attacked mostly black civil rights protesters...”

BREAKING: Steven Mnuchin is now flat-out REFUSING to disclose the businesses receiving $500,000,000,000 in bailout funds, claiming the info is "confidential" 4.5 MILLION businesses received government funds. Zero transparency. Unconscionable, jaw-dropping corruption.

A California man who was charged with murder after he ambushed two Santa Cruz County deputies, scrawled phrases tied to an online far-right extremist movement in blood on a car shortly before he was detained.

100 pandemic deniers & anti-mask activists got microphones at an Orange County meeting- oy! They must think doctors, nurses, and HCWs who wear masks everyday are dying of oxygen deficiency and carbon dioxide overdose. 🤷🏻‍♂️ This is so stupid & dangerous.

NEW — Mark Zuckerberg & Priscilla Chan have responded to the 270+ scientists at the @ChanZuckerberg Initiative who called on Zuckerberg to curb misinformation. Zuckerberg says he and Chan are "deeply shaken and disgusted by President Trump’s divisive and incendiary rhetoric."

Man charged in deputy ambush scrawled extremist 'Boogaloo' phrases in blood

Trump: We are not going to let Seattle be occupied by anarchists.. You think he was a weak person in Minneapolis, the woman, I don’t know. Has she ever done this before. We’re not going to let this happen in Seattle. If we have to go in, we’re going to go in.

Tomorrow morning, 9 am est The Flynn fiasco will end or Stand Firm My money is on Stand Firm It will be Broadcast Live I'll let you know but most likely C-Span.

Do it, motherfucker. I can’t wait to hear from Comey about Trump’s corruption, from Lynch about his utter lack of intellectual curiosity and preparation, Clapper, Yates, and Brennan about what a threat to national security he is... Make sure the bearings are in Oct., too

Why is he orange?

We’re disclosing new state-linked information operations to our public archive — the only one of its kind in the industry. Originating from the People’s Republic of China (PRC), Russia, and Turkey, all associated accounts and content have been removed.

Seriously? To attend the next Trump rally you have to promise not to sue if you get the Covid virus? "Come to my rally and you may die ... but we won't take any responsibility." Yep, that's Trump.

If you’re tired of Donald Trump’s chaos and corruption, here are some ways you can help elect @JoeBiden: Ways to help.

Former Jeffrey Epstein companion Ghislaine Maxwell seeks to keep court records under seal

The rain is antifa.

OANN is this year’s Wikileaks

New in my neighborhood: Washington National Cathedral lights up in support of 'Black Lives Matter'

Some people should simply not be police officers. But too often, fired officers are simply rehired elsewhere. Our legislation would create a national database of bad cops to stop this.

Trump on Fox defending his tweet: “One is if there’s looting there’s probably going to be shooting and that’s not as a threat, that’s really just a fact because that’s what happens. And the other is if there’s looting there’s going to be shooting..They’re very different meanings”

Hey @parscale , we wanted to let you know that we have an internship program, since it looks like your summer is about to free up.

Goldman Sachs is trying to get federal prosecutors to ease up on the bank for its role in a brazen scheme to loot billions of dollars from a Malaysian sovereign wealth fund,

It's completely reckless that Orange County CA has lifted the mask requirement. Look at the data.

Is OAN the Leading Edge of Russian Misinformation? The Biden campaign says Trump’s favorite TV network is peddling the Kremlin’s lies.

Who paid off Brett Kavanaugh’s $92,000 country club fees plus his $200,000 credit card debt plus his $1.2 million mortgage, and purchased themselves a SCOTUS seat?

REMINDER: Trump campaign operative, pedophile, and foreign agent George Nader is scheduled to be sentenced two weeks from tomorrow. Hope these people are having a fun June.

"With war, we moved from one place to another and we settled down... But with corona, no matter where you go, it will find you." In Yemen's Aden, coronavirus death rates are worse than its wartime fatalities.

So OAN promised a pro-Trump poll to counteract the CNN one. It published the poll. It had bad numbers. It tried to frame them in remarkably bad ways. It then unpublished the poll.

That is a question that demands an answer.

Economic shockwave hits as coronavirus warnings come to pass

Trump plies his one political, media trick: causing outrage

Trump omits local Black officials from race and policing event

Surprise! Raging coronavirus epidemic is bad for the economy

Surprise! Raging coronavirus epidemic is bad for the economy