Friday, December 23, 2016

Income Inequality Chart

Jon Stewart - What Makes Trump's Presidency Horrible : A Closer look


Kellyanne Conway On Donald Trump Dealing With Conflicts Of Interest | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Published on Dec 22, 2016
Kellyanne Conway, counselor to President-elect Trump, talks with Rachel Maddow about revelations in the Wall Street Journal that Trump's pick for HHS secretary traded health-related stocks while sponsoring related legislation.
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 What does Trump really mean, interpreted by Conway, Trump mind reader.

Putin on Trump: 'Nobody believed he would win except for us'

Vlad, we're not that stupid

The Russian leader also cast Democrats in the U.S. as desperate.

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday claimed that his country correctly predicted Donald Trump’s electoral victory and characterized Democrats as sore losers eager to blame anyone else for their losses.
Speaking at his annual news conference, Putin said he hoped to have a productive relationship with Trump. “Nobody believed he would win except for us,” he said.
Full Article

Donald Trump Has A Theory On Nukes. His Team Has Several Others.

This is insane.

The primary pursuit of any communications operation is message discipline ― the ability to speak in a consistent voice with minimal confusion. This is particularly true for a president and the presidential team since the stakes are extremely high. Markets can move, global conflicts can erupt and legislation can be halted or sprung to life based on a single word choice.
So depending on one’s perspective, it has been either remarkable or harrowing to watch as President-elect Donald Trump and his aides have discussed nuclear proliferation policy with little apparent cohesive message at all.
Full Story Via Huff Post

Nuke Experts to Trump: WTF?

Nuke Experts Say Trump's Tweet Is 'A Very Bad Sign' 

'Let it be an arms race': Trump doubles down on terrifying nuke plan ...


Will Calvin Klein design Melania Trump's inauguration dress?

Racist Lady Feels Embolden at JC Pennys Pitches Viral Rant

Breitbart Admits Role As Trump Enforcer, Showing Why It Should Be Denied Congressional Press Credentials

Breitbart Editor Says Republicans Should Fear The Website If They Cross Trump

In a Politico article detailing how President-elect Donald Trump’s “horde of enforcers” -- listed prominently among them -- are scaring Republican lawmakers away from criticizing him, a Breitbart editor said Republicans are right to fear the right-wing website, which was previously run by Trump senior counselor Stephen Bannon. This admission from Breitbart that the outlet plans to support Trump, rather than objectively cover his incoming administration, further demonstrates that the website is not editorially independent enough to warrant permanent Capitol Hill press credentials.
Breitbart applied for permanent Capitol Hill press credentials in November. Media Matters has objected to the request, urging members of the Standing Committee of the Senate Press Gallery in an open letter to reject the request based on Breitbart’s disqualifying inability to demonstrate editorial independence from the Trump team as required by the committee's rules. Breitbart fails this standard in several ways, as several former members of the committee have acknowledged. In a December 21 Politico report headlined “Trump posse browbeats Hill Republicans,” Breitbart further demonstrates why the site must be disqualified from obtaining a permanent press pass by admitting that it will go after Trump’s Republican critics.
From the Politico article (emphasis added):
In early December, Rep. Bill Flores made what seemed like an obvious observation to a roomful of conservatives at a conference in Washington. Some of Donald Trump’s proposals, the Texas Republican cautioned, “are not going to line up very well with our conservative policies," though he quickly added that there was plenty the incoming president and GOP Congress could accomplish together. Little did Flores realize the hell that would soon rain down from Trump's throng of enforcers.
Breitbart seized on Flores' remarks a few days later, calling them proof that House Republicans planned to “isolate and block President Donald Trump’s populist campaign promises.”
It’s little wonder that Capitol Hill Republicans have papered over their not-insignificant policy differences with Trump, shying away from any statement about the president-elect that might possibly be construed as critical. They’re terrified of arousing the ire of their tempestuous new leader — or being labeled a turncoat by his army of followers.
It's a novel form of party message discipline that stems from Trump but doesn't necessarily require the president-elect to speak or tweet himself. Plenty of others are willing to do it for him. Since the election, numerous congressional Republicans have refused to publicly weigh in on any Trump proposal at odds with Republican orthodoxy, from his border wall to his massive infrastructure package. The most common reason, stated repeatedly but always privately: They're afraid of being attacked by Breitbart or other big-name Trump supporters. "Nobody wants to go first," said Rep. Mark Sanford (R-S.C.), who received nasty phone calls, letters and tweets after he penned an August op-ed in The New York Times, calling on Trump to release his tax returns. "People are naturally reticent to be the first out of the block for fear of Sean Hannity, for fear of Breitbart, for fear of local folks."
An editor at Breitbart, formerly run by senior Trump adviser Steve Bannon, said that fear is well-founded.
“If any politician in either party veers from what the voters clearly voted for in a landslide election … we stand at the ready to call them out on it and hold them accountable,” the person said.
Repulsive Steve Bannon flaunting his superior genetics

This Private Prisons CEO Is Super Excited About Jailing 'Unique Populations' Under Donald Trump | Crooks and Liars

This Private Prisons CEO Is Super Excited About Jailing 'Unique Populations' Under Donald Trump | Crooks and Liars

Trump Christmas

Dementor's Kiss

Oh God, Kellyanne Conway Is Never Going Away, Will Lie To And For Trump Forever

The Trump transition team announced today that horrible human being Kellyanne Conway will continue to serve the Master as a “counselor” to Donald Trump once he takes office, which will mostly consist of saying “Yes, Mr. Trump, that’s an excellent idea” and then going on TV to deny he ever mentioned that idea and the media are the real liars. Trump Himself issued a statement indicating that whoever wrote it for him wants us to know he’s just over the moon with the choice:
 The Trump Whisperer

Carter is only former president to RSVP for Trump's inauguration


The Clintons and George W. Bush are still weighing whether to show up for Trump's celebration next month.

Bernie Sanders In A Candid Conversation With Sarah Silverman

This is great

Published on Dec 16, 2016
Bernie Sanders In A Candid Conversation With Sarah Silverman - Watch Bernie Sanders and Sarah Silverman discuss Trump, Standing Rock, and how powerful people control politics

One President at a time? For Trump, no qualms in contradicting Obama

Tweet Starts Nuclear Arms Race w Russia Trump Fascinated with Nukes

Good morning...while you were sleeping, it seems Donald Trump restarted the cold war. Surprise!

Trump and Putin say on the same day they want to build up nukes

Trump, Putin both seek to boost their nuclear capability

Trump's latest tweet about nuclear weapons is both daft and ... 

Russia's Vladimir Putin says Donald Trump's nuclear comments are ...

'What We Now Have is Foreign Policy by Tweet': Bill Richardson ...


Donald Trump asked a foreign policy expert advising him why the U.S. can't use nuclear weapons, MSNBC's Joe Scarborough said on the air Wednesday, citing an unnamed source who claimed he had spoken with the GOP presidential nominee. ... And three times [Trump] asked about the use of nuclear weapons.Aug 3, 2016


Trump would like everyone to think he's a philanthropist but...Trump Foundation Scam

David Fahrenthold takes you behind the scenes of his reporting this year. Fahrenthold tracked Trump's charitable donations — or lack thereof — and tapped into his Twitter army to find elusive painted portraits of the president-elect. Fahrenthold also acquired that infamous video of Trump describing how he kissed and groped women, without their consent.

Groveling Gingrich Apologizes after incurring Trumps wrath by Tweet

That time Newt shut down the government and I needed a passport. Karma's a bitch Newt.

New Washington Post Report On Comey Letter Raises Startling Questions About The FBI

After several weeks in which substantial additional discussion of the now-infamous “Comey Letter” could only be found in The Huffington Post and a handful of smaller news outlets, major media has finally weighed in on this election-changing story.
The Washington Post has now published a lengthy article detailing how and why the Comey Letter was sent to Congress by FBI Director James Comey on October 28th, just a week and a half before the 2016 presidential election.
Unfortunately, the new story raises far more questions than it answers.
The reason? It contradicts October 30th reporting in the very same newspaper.
Full Story via Huff Post

Republicans on Climate Change

Ayn Rand and Corporate Tax Cuts Won’t Mend the Economy

 Known Russian lunatic Ayn Rand passed in 1982 and is survived by several thousand lonely men in Fedoras...