Tuesday, June 25, 2019

BREAKING: July 17, Mueller will testify publicly!

JUST IN: Trump's chief of diplomatic protocol plans to resign and isn’t going to this week's G-20 summit, according to people familiar with the matter

Here are the top recipients of campaign contributions from the for-profit prison industry:

Wayfair sold beds to furnish border camps; 547 employees signed a petition to ask that we cease all business with border camps; CEO said no —>employees are walking out tmrw at 1:30pm. We ask that Wayfair donate all profits made from the sale to RAICES

Asked if he has an exit strategy if the US gets involved in a military conflict with Iran, POTUS says, "You're not going to need an exit strategy. I don't need exit strategies."

Trump's new WH press sec Stephanie Grisham received a warning letter last year from the Office of the Special Counsel for violating the Hatch Act by engaging in “prohibited political activity” on her official Twitter account.

I implore all Americans who want Donnie out of the White House ASAP to read this....carefully

SPICY LIVES: And face it, you want *every* detail on Dmitro Firtash extradited - how, why, and why Trump is IN TROUBLE. Mob too.

"Do what we want or we'll abandon the country to you" may not be the best negotiating position here?

"The Maximum Leader cannot rape a woman. All women desire his seed and mount him willingly in order provide the nation with many strong sons from his perfect genetic stock." We're about two weeks from THAT kind of explanation.

Is that really the standard to which we are holding ourselves?

A Dept. of Veterans Affairs health care worker said she received a letter from the agency notifying her that she would be terminated, just one day before she was scheduled to testify at a congressional hearing about how the VA treats other whistleblowers.

Elizabeth Warren calls for all voting machines to be replaced in a federally-funded program which rewards voter turnout and promises an end to registration problems, voter purges and gerrymandering.

Oh my God. This is hilarious. I can't wait for Gentry Breitbart and the rest to start writing their pieces about how Obamacare isn't really, really that bad after all.

BREAKING: Demonstrators hang sign from Trump Tower in Las Vegas, protesting the Trump administration's undocumented immigrant detention centers, unsafe and unsanitary conditions.

Another WH employee turned whistleblower loses his job for speaking out with truth. The needs of the coal industry should not dictate our country’s every policies.

In the past week we learned that: 1) BABIES & CHILDREN are dying the hands of this administration 2) The President was implicated as a rapist *again* 3) Every person brought on to the Trump White House had a dirty, dirty past. WHY are WE not in the streets?

Before you lose your mind about the Epstein news, THE JUDGE HAS NOT RULED. The news story is about the argument made by the US in it's brief. That's sad and frustrating, but it is not the end of the story.

Can we talk about how this story about POTUS supporters having content removed from news outlets is not more of a story?

So this latest DoJ file reveals that Duncan Hunter had an affair with at least three different lobbyists, one of his own staff members, and an aide to a member of the GOP leadership team.

This is who I’m running to unseat, a top recipient of money from the company who runs the immigration detention centers at the border, aka #ConcentrationCamps Want to fight back? Donate!

It's only 20 or so allegations. Not near enough to establish a pattern.

WORLD Austrian court says Ukrainian oligarch with ties to Manafort can be sent to U.S.

Cheating on your wife who is helping you cover up campaign finance crimes is a bold move @Rep_Hunter How's that working out for ya?

Trump has been snapping at Mick Mulvaney with some frequency, and expressing greater frustration with him than usual, Politico reports. Trump's treatment of Mulvaney signals to aides that the slow deterioration of their relationship has begun.

Stephanie Grisham named as Sarah Sanders' replacement

If you want South American migrants to stay home, they need to have an economy to sustain them, and security to protect them. Without those elements, ppl will flee and head towards wealth/security. NAFTA helped Mexico create new jobs which kept potential migrants home.

The Kremlin is emboldened: The head of the Russian State Duma’s Foreign Affairs Committee, Leonid Slutsky says that #Russia’s delegation will not tolerate “any more sanctions, no matter how insignificant.”

BREAKING: Jeffrey Epstein plea deal must stand, prosecutors tell sex abuse victims and also issues warning to judge

China moves to take greater control of one of the world's most vital shipping routes. Trump: she wasn't my type.

What's an advanced Russian warship doing in Havana harbor?

NEW: Federal prosecutors on Monday said Epstein’s sex abuse victims aren’t entitled by law to anything — not even an apology.

• Iran had 19,000 centrifuges; they dismantles 13,000 of them • Iran had 10,000kg of LEU gas; they shipped 98% out of the country • Iran was building a reactor that could make Plutonium; they filled its core with concrete

Breaking from NYT: The Customs and Border Protection agency's acting commissioner, John Sanders, is expected to step down in the coming weeks.

Did you know in 2015 nine security vulnerabilities were located by #TSA and as of November 2018, NONE of them have been resolved? Today, Chairman @RepCummings is demanding TSA take action to address multiple security vulnerabilities. Watch his opening statement now

Are you sick of [#Russia] winning yet?

Firtash is a Ukrainian oligarch who schemed with Russian mob boss Mogilevich to sell marked-up Russian natural gas to Ukraine through RosukrEnergo (RUE). Profits propped up Putin puppet Yanukovich and laundered through Trump Tower Toronto.

Benjamin Netanyahu expects Vladimir Putin to visit Israel later this year, a sign of the increasing security ties between the two countries

We need Nuremberg-style trials for every person in the chain of command that allowed US concentration camps to flourish here. Every. Single. One. From the lowliest officer who is taking medicine from children to the President of the United States

The Trump Murdoch alliance: Seven days and seven examples

How do I say this delicately? The 2020 election is going to be a dystopian hellscape of which the likes we have never seen.

Dear @FLOTUS: Your #BeBest Ambassadors may want to visit 1. Detention camps where @realDonaldTrump Administration is arguing it doesn't have to provide soap, toothbrushes & toothpaste 2. @HRW HQ where they will explain how US assisted Saudi coalition has killed lots of children

A key House Democrat sounds much more open to impeachment than he did a few weeks ago

Russia and PACE resolutions checklist

Russia and PACE resolutions checklist 

Iran is accusing the United States of lying about wanting to resume talks between the two countries in the wake of new sanctions imposed by President Trump earlier this week.

Trump’s trade wars thrust farmers into desperation loans Farmers have seen their net income plummet by half since 2013 and are now expected to hold nearly $427 billion in debt this year.

A cot in a tent city with a metal blanket, no toothpaste, no soap: $775 per day. A SUITE at the Trump International Hotel, DC: $757 per day. Someone is making a KILLING torturing children.

This is great. A collection of Hollywood stars hosted a live play based on the Mueller Report. If Congress won't #ReadTheMuellerReport, then share this video far and wide and send a list of Trump's impeachable offenses to them here:

How’s Kushner going to bring peace to the Middle East when he can’t even just do normal landlord stuff?

Ambassador to #Yemen in #Damascus: "We declare our solidarity with #Iran in the face of American arrogance."

ICE Detention Center Says It’s Not Responsible for Staff's Sexual Abuse of Detainees

President Trump’s honeymoon period with Mick Mulvaney is coming to an end

- annex territory in Europe - launch a war against a sovereign state - kill over 13 thousand people - take dozens of political prisoners - ignore all PACE resolutions PACE: we lift sanctions and welcome you back! Europe, you are a disgrace.

Russia keeps killing in Ukraine and many EU countries do not care. We should be ashamed.

the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) have voted in favour of a report that will allow the return the delegation from #Russia to the chamber. 118 for 62 against 10 abstentions. 1st Western sanctions against Moscow to fall

Council Of Europe's Assembly OKs Russia's Return

I am sad to see that many European countries decided to appease Russia and let it come back to Council of Europe despite the fact that Moscow has not changed anything in its hostile behavior. You cannot appease dictators, they see it as weakness and will be even more aggressive.

The Kushners averted disaster last year at their midtown Manhattan skyscraper. Now another crisis looms a few blocks away

The Holocaust Survivor Who Deciphered Nazi Doublespeak

Meghan McCain: I assume I’ll be "raked over the coals" for doubting E. Jean Carroll’s story

Preparations in full swing for first Democratic primary debate

The email went out from senior EPA officials to Kelly Craft, the U.S. ambassador to Canada. But the email the EPA got back a few hours later wasn’t from the ambassador. It was from her husband, a coal magnate and wealthy GOP donor.

Boris Johnson has just described the Garden Bridge as an “excellent project”. It cost £53m and doesn’t exist.

I have 3 kids. I know the math. A 24/7 nanny, hotel room, food, per diem, toothbrush and soap are far cheaper than this $775 per child, per day these companies are charging US. Our policy isn’t just morally vacuous. It’s bad economics. Where is $ going? h

"Without both candidates, tomorrow’s debate will not take place" Sky News to cancel Tory leadership head-to-head as Boris Johnson declines invitation

House Dems who publicly support an impeachment inquiry now at 78 after Jim Himes' announcement, a number that continues to grow but still represents a minority of the caucus

Have we become numb to Trump’s loathsomeness?

How can journalist E. Jean Carroll be brushed away as just one more? In the era of #MeToo and this having nothing to do with anything consensual at any point? This is the most extreme accusation we've had against this President and it has had almost no impact on our dialogue.

New York Post story on Trump sexual assault allegations removed on orders of Murdoch lieutenant

State GOP push de facto abortion bans, counting on Trump judges

Planned Parenthood calls for firing of Missouri health director

BREAKING: Iran's President Rouhani mocks President Trump, says the White House is "afflicted by mental retardation."

Nunes threatens ninth criminal referral, says Trump-Russia conspiracy peddlers are 'possessed'

Flynn still cooperating as House struggles with witnesses

E. Jean Carroll says she's received death threats since making allegations against Trump

Trump accuser E. Jean Carroll: "With all the 15 women or 16 who have come forward, it's the same. He denies it. He turns it around. He attacks. And then he threatens ... Then everybody forgets it and then the next woman comes along. And I am sick of it."

Twitter foes agog after First Lady boasts of bettering the lives of children "everywhere."

Revelations of immigrant detention camp horrors renew outrage

The most terrifying thing about this is that the Trump administration isn't sorry they held kids in prison camps, they’re sorry they got caught.

Despite a bipartisan push, Mitch McConnell just shut down the possibility of a vote on an amendment that would require congressional approval for the use of military funds in Iran.

Rep. Burgess on conditions in migrant camps: "You know what? There's not a lock on the door. Any child is free to leave at anytime, but they don't. You know why? Because they are well taken care of."

Today Michael Flynn & his three person legal team emerged from the courthouse into a sultry DC summer, stepped over a dead rat, and flagged down a standard DC red cab before quickly squeezing inside. They drove away, Flynn in the middle seat, and the metaphor machine exploded.

Trump considered Jeanine Pirro for a top DOJ job under Jeff Sessions — a job she lobbied hard to get, WaPo reports. But Sessions blocked the appointment, after which Pirro attacked Sessions on her show for recusing himself from the Russia investigation.

Is Flynn preparing to take on the gov't? His new lawyer wants a security clearance. Prosecutors say there is no classified in the discovery. But lawyer says she needs it to review "other information" related to case.

Looking forward to collaborating with all of our #BeBest Ambassadors. Delighted to be working alongside so many people both inside and outside of government to better the lives of children everywhere!

Sunday shows: 3/31/19: ABC asked 3 guests about the Biden allegations; NBC asked 6 guests about it; CBS asked 2 guests. All three hosts suggested the allegations might be "disqualifying." This Su

Rape isn’t about attraction. It’s about power, control, dominance. Some people believe that they’re important & famous, so they can do whatever they want.

Guantánamo Case to Test Whether Torture Can Be Put on the Docket

Catching up on the “concentration camp” debate, in which I don’t want to weigh in. I will say: In @FBI, it was a part of our training to visit the Holocaust Museum, to understand the immense power and responsibility of law enforcement. Does @CBP do the same, and if not, why not?

#Russia’s state media about #Iran: “Trump was too scared to bomb because of Putin.” The columnist mockingly surmises: “As it turns out, Trump's only adequate foreign policy advisers are Vladimir Putin and Tucker Carlson. Only they tell him the truth, which is kind of sad.”

Trump's first line of defense to a rape accusation is "She's not my type." That's his first thought, not 'I would never rape anyone.'

I was Boris Johnson’s boss: he is utterly unfit to be prime minister

"He no longer represents South Carolina. This is a guy who cares more about golfing with the President than addressing the issues here in the state." @harrisonjaime on how he plans to beat Lindsey Graham in the upcoming South Carolina Senate race

New York Post story on Trump sexual assault allegations removed on orders of Murdoch lieutenant

President Trump: I do not need congressional approval to strike Iran

Star-studded cast to perform live reading of the Mueller report

You can predict his every move by deciding what would hurt our national security interests most

Trump on Wray: “He’s not my type.” (Sorry, wrong scandal)

Signs of an economic slowdown are mounting, which is bad timing for President Trump's reelection hopes