Thursday, November 7, 2019

Senior @realDonaldTrump administration officials considered resigning en masse last year in a “midnight self-massacre” to sound a public alarm about conduct of @POTUS,

Lawyer for Ukraine whistleblower sends White House cease and desist letter to stop Trump's attacks

Let me repeat: Steven Menashi concocted a plan to illegally use the private Social Security data of defrauded student borrowers to deny them debt forgiveness after they were preyed upon by for-profit schools His nomination to the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals is an embarrassment

What would you do if you were war with Russia in your own country and trump shaking you down. Zelensky Was Booked to Announce Biden Probe on CNN: NYT

Scientology policy enabled years of child sexual abuse, lawsuit says

Congressional watchdog Government Accountability Office is reviewing whether Trump admin freeze of nearly $400 million in security assistance to Ukraine violated appropriations law after request of Sen. Chris Van Hollen (MD) to look at issue

Congressional watchdog Government Accountability Office is reviewing whether Trump admin freeze of nearly $400 million in security assistance to Ukraine violated appropriations law after request of Sen. Chris Van Hollen (MD) to look at issue, by @aduehren
— Wendy Siegelman (@WendySiegelman) November 7, 2019

NEW: The $2M settlement, which was finalized last month and announced on Wednesday in the judge’s order, included a detailed admission of misconduct by Trump. Trump admitted he used funds raised by the foundation to promote his campaign and pay his

Mike Bloomberg is going nowhere, but like Tom Steyer, he will educate us on not just how much money these plutocrats have to burn, but also that they’d rather burn their money than have society use it to better all of its members.

Nothing more sad than an old man facing his last days in prison, all his bulls hit finally called.

Everyone should be outraged by Steven Menashi's nomination to the 2nd Circuit. He was a top legal advisor on DeVos’ plan to use private Social Security data to shield for-profit colleges. A court found the plan illegal. Menashi has no business interpreting the law for others.

How Saudi Arabia Weaponized Twitter to Target MBS Critics

Breaking News: In a searing memo, the top U.S. diplomat in northern Syria criticized the Trump administration for not trying harder to prevent Turkey’s invasion

Apparently, billionaires really are scared of an Elizabeth Warren presidency.

Some Dipsh*ts Went On 'The View' Today

George Kent, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, testified that Rudy Giuliani’s relationship with former Ukraine prosecutor general Yuriy Lutsenko “seemed to be a classic, you scratch my back, I scratch yours, issue.”

"New transcripts... from one of the witnesses... who painted w/ explicit detail the jarring and disturbing picture of a foreign policy process hijacked by the president's political allies... [George] Kent will appear on the first day of public testimony..." -

One by one, Republicans' impeachment arguments are failing, argues

It took Bevin's crushing loss for Mitch McConnell to do anything for coal miners. He's scrambling to show he cares, but he still won't tax coal companies to fund the Black Lung Disability Trust Fund. Change is coming.

Roger Stone's trial is going very badly for Roger Stone.

Kent says Trump wanted Zelensky to announce a "Clinton" probe. If accurate, Trump wanted Ukraine to investigate his 2016 opponent and his leading would-be 2020 opponent. Pretty hard to argue that's not completely self-serving

In his new book, Don Jr writes about a visit to Arlington National Cemetery before his father's inauguration and compares the sacrifice of the soldiers buried there to "all the sacrifices we'd have to make to help my father succeed."

U.S. Secret Service study released Thursday says most students who committed deadly school shootings had a history of bullying or disciplinary trouble.

"BREAKING: Trump to pay $2 million to settle New York Attorney General civil lawsuit against Trump Foundation and his children, alleging "persistent" violations of charities law, including unlawful coordination with Trump's 2016 presidential campaign."

NEWS: Kent testified that he believes it was Pompeo adviser Ulrich Brechbuhl who reached out to @seanhannity that "there was no proof of the allegations, that he should stop covering them." Asked how do you know that, Kent says "Because I was informed of that in an email."

Stealing Money from Kids with Cancer

Top U.S. diplomat to Ukraine ties Trump to quid pro quo

Sen. Lindsey Graham criticized House Democrats' impeachment inquiry on Wednesday while also issuing a rebuke, and potentially a new talking point, that the Trump administration was too inept to carry out a quid pro quo in regard to Ukraine foreign policy

Top U.S. diplomat to Ukraine ties Trump to quid pro quo

Trump reportedly wanted Barr to hold press conference clearing him on Ukraine

U.S. President Donald Trump is set to host Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan next week, amid friction between the two NATO countries over actions in Syria and Russian weapons sales to Ankara

Pastor Robert Jeffress: "The effort to impeach Pres. Trump is really an effort to impeach our own deeply held faith values" --- Just when you thought these 'Christians' couldn't display their hypocrisy any more clearly... TRUMP IS THE GUY JESUS THREW OUT OF THE TEMPLE! Remember?

To bring all the same players from 2016 full circle to the current news - Victoria Toensing & Joe diGenova who now rep Dmitry Firtash and are teamed up with Giuliani to help Trump are both long time lawyers for Erik Prince

Prince was also “coincidentally” promoting the same talking points as Giuliani in Oct and early November about Clinton emails and Anthony Weiner laptop investigation

Erik Prince was identified by prosecutors as person in Stone indictment described as "a supporter involved with the Trump campaign” who Stone alerted Oct 3 2016 "the payload is coming" - 6 days before WikiLeaks started releasing damaging emails to Clinton

There are a lot of empty seats an hour into this rally. (They started off full but the trickle-out effect is real tonight.)

Kentucky and Virginia captured the national headlines, but the state that sounded the loudest alarm for Trump on Tuesday was Pennsylvania

Trump lost the KY gov race, people are walking out when he’s speaking in droves, his VP had the balls to say he would support the 25th amendment but didn’t have the balls to do it and his attorney just hired three defense attorneys & a whole bunch of other shit has gone sideways

Trump nominee worked on illegal plan to deny help to scam victims

Stone trial opens new window on Trump's awareness of Russian help

Public impeachment hearings set to begin Wednesday, November 13th

Trump lawyer's lawyer now also Trump's other lawyer's lawyer

This makes Barr a fact witness. He gotta recuse

Tucker Carlson is now going after the judge in the Roger Stone trial, Judge Amy Berman Jackson, calling her “aggressively political” and slamming her for imposing a gag order. She widened the gag order after Stone posted an image of her in crosshairs.

As of today, prosecutors are finally litigating, for the first time, what the president knew about Russia's interference to help his campaign, and when he knew it. (While he's already being impeached for something else.)

A federal judge has ruled that the government must provide mental health services to thousands of migrant parents and children who experienced psychological harm as a result of the Trump admin's practice of separating families.

Trump's former lawyer's former lawyer is now also the lawyer for Trump's other lawyer.

SCOOP: The $500k that financed the deal between RUDY GIULIANI & LEV PARNAS’s company, FRAUD GUARANTEE, came from a Long Island lawyer named CHARLES GUCCIARDO, who accused @HillaryClinton of “perpetrating a fraud on the American people” in 2016.

TRUMP $$$: PARNAS & FRUMAN met GUCCIARDO at an @AmericaFirstPAC event at @TrumpDC feat. TRUMP & @DonaldJTrumpJr. Gucciardo donated $50k to the PAC after the event, & explained at the time he'd been trying to meet @POTUS. “I just want to shake his hand!”

The month after @TrumpDC event, PARNAS & GUCCIARDO took a group trip to Israel with @Scaramucci (& others). Here they are at a holy site. During the trip, Parnas & Fruman were "trying to rope people into their game,” per Scaramucci.

When PARNAS returned from 🇮🇱, he agreed to pay GIULIANI $500k. But Parnas didn’t have $. GUCCIARDO paid, thinking "he was investing in a reputable co.” for which Giuliani would be the spokesman. *Rudy didn't promote the co. & it doesn't have any biz

NEW: RUDY GIULIANI agreed to be godfather to LEV PARNAS’s son, & attended the bris, along with FRAUD GUARANTEE investor CHARLES GUCCIARDO. They also spent time together at the Ohel of the Lubavitcher Rebbe in 11/18 & at a @NCYIYoungIsrael gala in 3/19

“We are not talking about a gradual change,” says John Weaver, a veteran Republican political strategist. “We are talking about dramatic overnight flips from what used to be reliably Republican to now reliably Democrat. And the turnout is massive.“

I do mean every disrespect when I say it is pathetic to aspire to be the most abject and vulgar Trump toady.

Mr. Zelensky had discussed the suspension of aid with Mr. Pence, Mr. Sondland said.

It's hardly surprising Trump made this request. What's more surprising is that Barr declined. Could it be that he realized: A) Barr himself was implicated B) There were more shoes to drop C) Trump may have actually broken the law D) All of the above.

I’m struck by Trumpworld’s obsession with the whistleblower. Exposing him wouldn’t help Trump’s case a bit. But it’s clear that outing him would be really satisfying psychologically to Trumpsters. One forgets how central to Trumpism are petty vindictiveness and cowardly bullying.

The jury sees a 10/2/16 message that Jerome Corsi sent Stone saying, "word is friend in embassy plans 2 more dumps ... Impact planned to be very damaging." The next day is when Stone sends the email to Manafort with subject line "I have an idea" and body "To save Trump's ass"

Mike Pompeo’s standing within the State Department is damaged and morale is devastatingly low after revelations from the impeachment investigation suggest he prioritized his relationship with President Trump over the well-being of the department

While we're all pretending to be amazed that Barr observed even this much of a thin legal line of self-preservation, let's just notice again that the ask itself is completely unethical and an abuse of power.

SCOOP: Trump wanted Barr to hold news conference saying the president broke no laws in call with Ukrainian leader. He's mentioned in recent conversations that Barr wouldn't do it.

You know what was another, less headline-making quid pro quo?@USAmbEU paid @RealDonaldTrump lots of money (quid), then Donald made the unqualified d-bag an Ambassador. A reminder: Fiona Hill said Gordon Sondland was SO unqualified he represented a threat to national security.

NEW: Cache of leaked Facebook documents obtained by @NBCNews shows how Mark Zuckerberg oversaw plans to consolidate the social network's power and control competitors by treating its users' data as a bargaining chip.

TAYLOR: Turns out ... those principals ... were on different trips at different times. I think this was also about the time of the Greenland question, about purchasing Greenland, which took up a lot of energy in the NSC. SCHIFF: OK. That's disturbing for a whole different reason.

1. She never claimed to me that she met Tipper or Al Gore. 2. She did NOT say she was 14, she said she was 15. And 3. She was a sex trafficking victim before she even met Epstein and it is NORMAL for trauma victims to get dates wrong.

2. That if a child victim of sexual assault gets all the details of their trauma correct EVERY time, it’s a sign they have been coached to lie. In other words, it’s common and more more indicative that they are truthful when they do NOT remember exact details. (2)
And — Virginia passed a lie detector test folks.