It's time for Congress to revisit campaign finance law in the internet age. The Honest Ads Act is a great first step— Brennan Center (@BrennanCenter) November 4, 2017
Saturday, November 4, 2017
It's time for Congress to revisit campaign finance law in the internet age. The Honest Ads Act is a great first step
Mitch McConnell: Tech companies should help us weaponize the internet against Russia
Mitch McConnell: Tech companies should help us weaponize the internet against Russia— Gizmodo (@Gizmodo) November 4, 2017
Pussy Riot member: Putin knows exactly how to manipulate Trump
Pussy Riot member: Putin knows exactly how to manipulate Trump— The Hill (@thehill) November 4, 2017
Democratic women are running for office in record-breaking numbers.
Democratic women are running for office in record-breaking numbers.— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) November 4, 2017
— Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) November 4, 2017
George H.W. Bush voted for Hillary Clinton.
George H.W. Bush voted for Hillary Clinton.— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) November 4, 2017
Hackers took over nearly 200 Trump web addresses: report
Hackers took over nearly 200 Trump web addresses: report— The Hill (@thehill) November 4, 2017
Trump recklessly endangers prosecution of a terrorism case
Reckless Tweeting --way to lose the war on terror.— Richard W. Painter (@RWPUSA) November 3, 2017
Trump recklessly endangers prosecution of a terrorism case
Heads up Virginia: Twitter bots are honing in on the governor’s race ahead of Election Day, stoking racial tensions.
Heads up Virginia: Twitter bots are honing in on the governor’s race ahead of Election Day, stoking racial tensions.— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) November 4, 2017
"Welcome to Kenya!" A growing crowd protests Trump by Honolulu state capitol during his visit to Honolulu
"Welcome to Kenya!" A growing crowd protests Trump by Honolulu state capitol during his visit to Honolulu— Jaweed Kaleem 🦅 (@jaweedkaleem) November 4, 2017
No matter how you play with the math, this is a massive tax increase on the middle class in the end.
No matter how you play with the math, this is a massive tax increase on the middle class in the end. 👇— Ron Wyden (@RonWyden) November 3, 2017
Want to know how serious NOV 7 election is? Mercers are spending $1MM on local race:
Want to know how serious NOV 7 election is? Mercers are spending $1MM on local race: @RobAstorino Westchester County— Amy Siskind (@Amy_Siskind) November 4, 2017
The GOP #BillionairesFirst tax bill gives a $770 billion handout to businesses set up as pass-throughs. Donald Trump owns 500 of them
The GOP #BillionairesFirst tax bill gives a $770 billion handout to businesses set up as pass-throughs. Donald Trump owns 500 of them.— Rep. Pramila Jayapal (@RepJayapal) November 4, 2017
Pres. Trump isn't ruling out firing AG Jeff Sessions if DOJ doesn't take action against Hillary Clinton.
Does this mean a replacement will have to pledge to prosecute HRC? Add this to the list of impeachable offenses. For those of you keeping score at home.— David Corn (@DavidCornDC) November 4, 2017
Pres. Trump isn't ruling out firing AG Jeff Sessions if DOJ doesn't take action against Hillary Clinton.— This Week (@ThisWeekABC) November 3, 2017
Nadya from @pussyrrriot issues a warning: "I hear from Donald Trump the same words about media that Putin was using for 17 years."
Nadya from @pussyrrriot issues a warning: "I hear from Donald Trump the same words about media that Putin was using for 17 years." #LastWord— The Last Word (@TheLastWord) November 4, 2017
You Can’t End the War on Coal Without Starting a War on Public Health
You Can’t End the War on Coal Without Starting a War on Public Health— Mother Jones (@MotherJones) November 4, 2017
Trump team collusion with Russia? Ukraine connection may hold key.
Bernie's and Trump's managers may hold the key to Russian treason through the Ukraine connection:— Eric Garland (@ericgarland) November 4, 2017
Per pool, Trump stopped by the Trump Int’l Hotel Waikiki on his way to the airport.
Per pool, Trump stopped by the Trump Int’l Hotel Waikiki on his way to the airport.— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) November 4, 2017
Makes it his 97th day at a Trump property as president.
BREAKING: JCT (CBO's tax equivalent): GOP tax bill *increases* taxes for lower-income Americans by 2023. Millionaires get massive cuts.
BREAKING: JCT (CBO's tax equivalent): GOP tax bill *increases* taxes for lower-income Americans by 2023. Millionaires get massive cuts.— Topher Spiro (@TopherSpiro) November 3, 2017
The Simpsons gives a big shout out to Puerto Rico and San Juan mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz, looks to be donating $25,000 to relief efforts.
The Simpsons gives a big shout out to Puerto Rico and San Juan mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz, looks to be donating $25,000 to relief efforts.— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) November 4, 2017
Jay Sekulow says he will lodge formal objections if Mueller’s probe tries looking at past Trump real-estate deals
Jay Sekulow says he will lodge formal objections if Mueller’s probe tries looking at past Trump real-estate deals.— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) November 4, 2017
Colin Powell issues grave national security warning: Trump is gutting the State Department
Colin Powell issues grave national security warning: Trump is gutting the State Department — #Shareblue— Matthew Chapman (@fawfulfan) November 3, 2017
Don’t Convict Jeff Sessions of Perjury Just Yet
Sessions has a real problem with his testimony on campaign meetings with Russians. But it may not be perjury.— Benjamin Wittes (@benjaminwittes) November 4, 2017
Special Counsel Mueller braces for challenges to his authority & investigation
Special Counsel Mueller braces for challenges to his authority & investigation via @politico— Justin Hendrix (@justinhendrix) November 4, 2017
Trump: I'll be proven innocent if Mueller treats "everything fairly"
Trump: I'll be proven innocent if Mueller treats "everything fairly"— The Hill (@thehill) November 4, 2017
Republican @RepMattGaetz was arrested for a DUI in 2008 (mugshot below)-now he's leading the charge to try & fire Mueller
Republican @RepMattGaetz was arrested for a DUI in 2008 (mugshot below)-now he's leading the charge to try & fire Mueller. #FireproofMueller— Scott Dworkin (@funder) November 3, 2017
Ex-CIA Director: "This President has no idea where the lines are with regards to the authority of the presidency.”
Ex-CIA Director: "This President has no idea where the lines are with regards to the authority of the presidency.”— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) November 4, 2017
Beto O'Rourke is running against Ted Cruz for Senate — and he just ran a unity 10K between El Paso and Mexico
Beto O'Rourke is running against Ted Cruz for Senate — and he just ran a unity 10K between El Paso and Mexico— NowThis (@nowthisnews) November 2, 2017
Proud of acknowledgement by Russian senator who proposed a “Browder list” of those calling out Russian rights abuses
Proud of acknowledgement by Russian senator who proposed a “Browder list” of those calling out Russian rights abuses— Bill Browder (@Billbrowder) November 4, 2017
Cyprus turned over Manafort bank documents to Mueller
Cyprus turned over Manafort bank documents to Mueller: report— The Hill (@thehill) November 4, 2017
Robert S. Mueller III, 3rd Marine Division, Vietnam, 1969. No bone spurs.
Robert S. Mueller III, 3rd Marine Division, Vietnam, 1969. No bone spurs.— Hydrump (@Hydrump) November 2, 2017
Former justice minister & Canadian human rights legend @IrwinCotler explains the power of The Canadian Magnitsky Act
Former justice minister & Canadian human rights legend @IrwinCotler explains the power of The Canadian Magnitsky Act— Bill Browder (@Billbrowder) November 4, 2017
WI Rep. Scott Allen thinks women should be forced to procreate for the sake of the labor market.
WOW. WI Rep. Scott Allen thinks women should be forced to procreate for the sake of the labor market.— NARAL (@NARAL) November 3, 2017
Women are PEOPLE, not incubators. 😡
Here's how to figure out exactly how your take-home pay could change under Trump's new tax plan
Here's how to figure out exactly how your take-home pay could change under Trump's new tax plan— Business Insider (@businessinsider) November 4, 2017
The Papadopoulos Plea Deal and the Great Blowhard Convergence of the 2016 Election
The texts of the Mueller probe read like minutes of a Politburo meeting.— The New Yorker (@NewYorker) November 4, 2017
The Republican tax plan would help rich families send their children to private school
The Republican tax plan would help rich families send their children to private school— Mother Jones (@MotherJones) November 4, 2017
Former Watergate prosecutor says Mueller might have grounds to obtain a gag order on Trump
Former Watergate prosecutor says Mueller might have grounds to obtain a gag order on Trump— Blake Hounshell (@blakehounshell) November 4, 2017
Nonprofits Fear House Republican Tax Bill Would Hurt Charitable Giving
Nonprofits Fear House Republican Tax Bill Would Hurt Charitable Giving— NPR Politics (@nprpolitics) November 4, 2017
Bush Sr. calls Trump a blowhard. W says, "this guy doesn't know what it means to be president"
This. Is. Amazing.— Angry WH Staffer (@AngrierWHStaff) November 4, 2017
Bush Sr. calls Trump a blowhard. W says, "this guy doesn't know what it means to be president"
US citizen arrested in Zimbabwe, accused of insulting Mugabe with a tweet.
Just spotted this-shocking: US citizen arrested in Zimbabwe, accused of insulting Mugabe with a tweet.— Bill Browder (@Billbrowder) November 4, 2017
“the myriad changes in the code would actually raise taxes on nearly 13M tax filers who earn $100K/yr or less”
“the myriad changes in the code would actually raise taxes on nearly 13M tax filers who earn $100K/yr or less”— Senate Democrats (@SenateDems) November 3, 2017
SHOT: Oh, weird, so Bannon's cool with "Establishment GOP" after all. Huh.
SHOT: Oh, weird, so Bannon's cool with "Establishment GOP" after all. Huh.— Eric Garland (@ericgarland) November 3, 2017
Trump administration will promote fossil fuels and nuclear power as an answer to climate change at a UN conference
Trump administration will promote fossil fuels and nuclear power as an answer to climate change at a UN conference— The New York Times (@nytimes) November 4, 2017
Opinion: Trump reverses course, decides to attend the East Asia Summit
Opinion: Trump reverses course, decides to attend the East Asia Summit— Washington Post (@washingtonpost) November 4, 2017
Lawrence: Pay attention when Trump says 'believe me'
In a new interview, President Donald Trump says "believe me" that he's not involved in any collusion, nor is he under investigation. Lawrence O'Donnell argues that the President frequently says "believe me" when he’s not telling the truth.
This isn't normal; you get the appearance she's moving policy for political purposes rather than the public interest— Citizens for Ethics (@CREWcrew) November 3, 2017
House Intel committee speeds up on Trump Russia investigation
House Intel committee speeds up on Trump Russia investigation— MSNBC (@MSNBC) November 4, 2017
We won’t rest until Trump is held to account and removed from office.
We won’t rest until Trump is held to account and removed from office.— Tom Steyer (@TomSteyer) October 30, 2017
Former Twitter employee says fake Russian accounts were not taken seriously
Former Twitter employee says fake Russian accounts were not taken seriously— Bloomberg (@business) November 4, 2017
Calls to remove Mueller from his job are both strange and repugnant
Calls to remove Mueller from his job are both strange and repugnant, writes @BretStephensNYT— NYT Opinion (@nytopinion) November 4, 2017
Immigration agents release 10-year-old girl with cerebral palsy after ACLU lawsuit
Immigration agents release 10-year-old girl with cerebral palsy after ACLU lawsuit— The Hill (@thehill) November 4, 2017
Trump Campaign Adviser Met With Russian Officials in 2016
Sweet Jesus On Hockey Skates these Trump idiots left a trail a mile wide— Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) November 4, 2017
Are Bannon’s ongoing contacts with Trump illegal?
Are Bannon’s ongoing contacts with Trump illegal? via @POLITICOMag— POLITICO (@politico) November 4, 2017
Mark my words: After they explode the deficit, Republicans will come looking for even deeper cuts to programs that Americans depend on
Mark my words: After they explode the deficit, Republicans will come looking for even deeper cuts to programs that Americans depend on.— Robert Reich (@RBReich) November 3, 2017
Trump proves an eager tourist in Hawaii, but protesters have ‘no aloha for him’
Trump proves an eager tourist in Hawaii, but protesters have ‘no aloha for him’— Washington Post (@washingtonpost) November 4, 2017
The idea of a "middle-class tax plan" kind of collapses when even @WSJ says the big winners are wealthy heirs.
The idea of a "middle-class tax plan" kind of collapses when even @WSJ says the big winners are wealthy heirs.— Chris Murphy (@ChrisMurphyCT) November 3, 2017
New chairman of Trump EPA science board says air quality in the US is too clean
New chairman of Trump EPA science board says air quality in the US is too clean— The Hill (@thehill) November 4, 2017
Robert Phalen says a little pollution is good for “optimum health” in kids.— Adam Khan (@Khanoisseur) November 4, 2017
Science says kids exposed to dirty air have 10% smaller lungs.
Donna Brazile to appear on Fox News with Tucker Carlson
Oh. Exactly like confirmed Putin assets Greenwald, Assange, and Wikileaks?— Eric Garland (@ericgarland) November 4, 2017
Why how. Totally. Unexpected. With. No. Pattern. To. Detect.
Donna Brazile to appear on Fox News with Tucker Carlson.— Gus™ (@Gus_802) November 4, 2017
The Claim That Clinton Rigged The Democratic Primary Falls Apart After Full Memo Is Published
The Claim That Clinton Rigged The Democratic Primary Falls Apart After Full Memo Is Published— Trump's not my Pres (@Nysteveo2AOLcom) November 4, 2017
Poll: Bannon's endorsement doesn't help in GOP primaries
Poll: Bannon's endorsement doesn't help in GOP primaries via @elianayjohnson— POLITICO (@politico) November 4, 2017
Trump has predicted what longtime bodyguard Schiller will say re 2013 Moscow trip & dossier
Trump has predicted what longtime bodyguard Schiller will say re 2013 Moscow trip & dossier 🤨— Polly Sigh (@dcpoll) November 4, 2017
HT @3L3V3NTH #maddow
National Climate Report: Man-made climate change is real
The Trump administration has publicly denied the report's conclusion, but agreed to sign off on the findings because they didn't want a fight while they're trying to pass tax reform, reports the New York Times.
Ex-Watergate lawyer: Russia probe heading 'right toward' Trump
Fmr. Watergate prosecutor Nick Akerman says the steps that Robert Mueller is taking in his investigation indicate the probe is ramping up and will likely lead straight to the questioning of Trump himself. E.J. Dionne & Daniel Dale also join Lawrence O'Donnell.
House Intel committee speeds up on Trump Russia investigation
Kyle Cheney, Congress reporter for Politico, talks with Rachel Maddow about the sudden flurry of interviews by the House Intelligence Committee in the Trump Russia investigation.
Pace of Russia probe may be too fast for some members of Congress
Rachel Maddow reports on the questionable background of Ike Kaveladze, who appeared before the House Intelligence Committee, a background that committee member Rep. Tom Rooney does not appear to have researched.
Officials slow with info on severity of disease in Puerto Rico
Rachel Maddow shows how difficult it is to get clear information from authorities on the severity of the leptospirosis cases in Puerto Rico as Americans there struggle to find clean drinking water.
NYT: Carter Page met Russian officials, informed Trump campaign
Mark Mazzetti, Washington investigations editor for the New York Times, talks with Rachel Maddow about breaking news that Donald Trump campaign advisor Carter Page met with Russian officials and informed the Trump campaign about those meetings.
Trump frustrated by notion of independent justice
Rachel Maddow shows how Donald Trump's ignorance about the bounds of presidential propriety is interfering with the U.S. justice system and his desire to replace Jeff Sessions with a more sympathetic attorney general.
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