Saturday, September 30, 2017

Trump signed presidential directive ordering actions to pressure North Korea

'Trump's Katrina?' No, it's much worse (opinion)

From Tom Price to Steve Mnuchin, the men of Trumpland are acting like entitled royalty

US Army says 55% of "customers" (1.87m people) on Puerto Rico have no drinking water, up from 44% (1.5m) in the past four days.

Harrowing drone footage shows a neighborhood of San Juan, Puerto Rico, in aftermath of Hurricane Maria. "Ghost town covered in sewage water"

Trump Health department quietly delays Obama-era rule preventing prescription drug price gouging

The Mayor of San Juan is wading through sewage, searching for people with a bullhorn while Donald Trump insults her on twitter.

Two of Russia's neighbors, Poland and Finland are in a cyber defense deal

San Juan Mayor after Trumps's tweets: "We have one goal, it is to save lives... I have no time for distractions."

You can tell a lot about a society by how we treat the most vulnerable. What does it say when kids' health takes a backseat to tax reform? Hillary Clinto

Make no mistake. Trump is purposely raising people's premiums

Neo-Nazis are marching in Sweden's 2nd largest city. The US Embassy has warned American citizens to avoid the area.

Trump's golf outings alone have cost taxpayers $180 million so far–that's 450 years of POTUS salary.

Lack of leadership is quite apparent

This is huge: ICE is admitting that their raids are tied to exclusively to political considerations, not public safety.


Trump Isn't Hiding His Racism After Suggesting It's Too Expensive To Rebuild Puerto Rico

And when all else fails blame CNN. absolute raving maniac.

Chief of Staff John Kelly must approve most travel on govt aircraft by admin officials, budget chief Mulvaney says in memo to dept heads.

Congressman Gutierrez emotional interview on Puerto Rico

Senate GOP unveils budget resolution allowing them to pass tax reform without Dem votes:

...Such poor leadership ability by the Mayor of San Juan, and others in Puerto Rico, who are not able to get their workers to help. T

The Mayor of San Juan, who was very complimentary only a few days ago, has now been told by the Democrats that you must be nasty to Trump.

Lost weekend: How Trump’s time at his golf club hurt the response to Maria

Elaine Chao, champion of Trump's infrastructure plan, chose to keep stock in a building company

New Scandal Alert!

Students don’t forfeit their 1st Amendment rights in the classroom or on the playing field, incl. when they #TakeAKnee.

Republicans expand redistricting strategy for 2020

Equifax hack targeted specific individuals: report

Biden: Trump won't defend our Constitution, so it's up to us

Where is decency? Human solidarity? And...math?

Kushner may drive out White House counsel Don McGahn — who is ready to resign

The Department of Justice allows Senate panel to interview FBI officials on the firing of FBI Director James Comey

Unreal: new investigation finds VA chief went to Wimbledon and on a European river cruise, all on taxpayer dime.

Tyranny of the Minority


CHIP (Children’s Health Insurance Program, which covers 9 million kids) expires tomorrow because GOP was too busy trying to repeal ACA.

#CHIP expires **tomorrow**. Congress left town without renewing it after spending months on ACA repeal


Why Facebook Suddenly Likes Russia

Trump’s data firm hasn’t always agreed with the president. But it recognizes the cash that his followers can bring

Tom Price's travel trouble "pales in comparison to his active sabotage of Obamacare,"

GOP budget quietly eliminates rule requiring lawmakers to wait for CBO score before voting:

Paul Ryan: Cabinet members’ private air travel “doesn’t look very good”

Voting machines decertified in WI, where Trump won by a handful of votes. Truly shocking.

How Donald Trump’s trip to his New Jersey golf club set back disaster relief in Puerto Rico


EPA says dangerous chemical may have washed downstream in Texas during Hurricane Harvey flooding

California finds itself in an extraordinary position to stage a regulatory mutiny against the Trump administration

Some intelligent voters are going to have to admit they fell for various degrees of Russian propaganda if we want to get our democracy back on track.

PressSec Sanders: White House disagrees with Roy Moore's comments on homosexuality, Muslims

GOP senator: Republicans need to speak out against Roy Moore's anti-Muslim comments

Senate Dems: FCC may be changing rules to help conservative Sinclair Broadcast Group merger pass

Mystery attacks drive American diplomats from Cuba embassy

Rachel Maddow reports on a State Department decision to withdraw most of its staff from the American embassy in Cuba as the source of what appears to be a targeted attack remains unsolved.

Russia investigators frustrated with tepid response from Twitter

Georgia Wells, technology reporter for The Wall Street Journal, talks with Rachel Maddow about the Senate Intelligence Committee's frustration with Twitter and other tech companies for not being more forthcoming with information about Russia's manipulation of social media in the U.S. political process.

Puerto Rico facing life or death crisis, 'no time for patience'

Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz of San Juan, Puerto Rico talks with Rachel Maddow about the yawning gap between the harsh reality that Americans in Puerto Rico are dealing with and the impotence and inefficiency of the Trump administration's response.

Pattern of abuse of taxpayer money seen in wealthy Trump staff

Rachel Maddow reports on the latest in a remarkable list of Trump administration departures, this time of HHS secretary Tom Price, disgraced for his abuse of expensive private planes, though not the only Donald Trump staffer with that problem.