Monday, August 21, 2017

Exclusive: Secret Service out of money to pay agents because of Trump's frequent travel, large family

Trump Official Once Praised a Defender of Holocaust Deniers

‘You are in over your head’: #TrumpResign campaign lights up Twitter

Trump just RTed a propaganda account. The tweet was itself threaded, i.e. a reply. This is what @realDonaldTrump saw before quoting :)

Secret Service running out of money due to Trump’s frequent travel to his golf clubs


Steve Bannon, Back on the Outside, Prepares His Enemies List

Tubas trolling Nazis with cartoon music is my new favorite thing

It will soon be Steve Miller's time in the barrel.

If Louise says can count on it.

How Mueller can publish his Russia connection evidence against Trump | Opinion

When aides worry their president is unhinged

US and Canadian diplomats in Cuba suffer hearing loss in mysterious sonic attack

Mnuchin says he's staying at Treasury, defends Trump after classmates' call to resign

When we asked the White House for an official to appear on the show, they pointed us to Jerry Falwell Jr

'Sir, Please Hurry the Hell Up!' Americans Call on Special Counsel Robert Mueller to End Their Trump Nightmare

Donald Trump is making a major speech later, and it could be one of his most important yet

Now what???

Some Liberty University grads are returning their diplomas to protest Jerry Falwell's continued support of Trump

Last month, Jeff Sessions reclaimed one of that war on drugs’ most disquieting weapons: civil asset forfeiture

New bill calls on Mike Pence to ask for Donald Trump's resignation

Opinion: Voter suppression is the civil rights issue of this era

Russia and racism aside, we're getting *very* close to key Republicans saying publicly they think Trump is unstable

Breitbart goes after McMaster after Bannon returns to the publication

Nuclear Waste: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

Nuclear waste poses a serious threat to public health if it's not stored in a safe place. John Oliver explains why the United States desperately needs to build a metaphorical toilet for all that waste.