I just can’t tolarite him. pic.twitter.com/zfJ3VPngmz— Claude Taylor (@TrueFactsStated) January 8, 2020
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
I just can’t tolarite him.
So it wasn’t just me? I wondered whether I was imagining things, but it truly upset me to watch the man in the White House look and sound, well . . . tranquilized. The fact that lots of others sensed the same thing is creepy at best. We need to know more.
So it wasn’t just me? I wondered whether I was imagining things, but it truly upset me to watch the man in the White House look and sound, well . . . tranquilized. The fact that lots of others sensed the same thing is creepy at best. We need to know more. https://t.co/0Mpq7z85Ua— Laurence Tribe (@tribelaw) January 8, 2020
Breaking sniff count.
Breaking sniff count. https://t.co/eCWCfcC7O2— Claude Taylor (@TrueFactsStated) January 8, 2020
AP FACT CHECK: Trump's mistold tale of Obama and Iran. "Trump ... assailed the Obama administration for being hoodwinked by Iran, making his case with a frequently told and false story about the U.S. giving billions of dollars to Tehran."
AP FACT CHECK: Trump's mistold tale of Obama and Iran.— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) January 8, 2020
"Trump ... assailed the Obama administration for being hoodwinked by Iran, making his case with a frequently told and false story about the U.S. giving billions of dollars to Tehran."https://t.co/SGVWeTGPFD
Sen. Joe Manchin, a member of the Armed Services Committee, on whether he saw evidence of justification for Soleimani strike: "No, I did not."
Sen. Joe Manchin, a member of the Armed Services Committee, on whether he saw evidence of justification for Soleimani strike: "No, I did not." @MSNBC— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) January 8, 2020
Those of us who lived through the Cheney lies of 2003 must not allow America to relive them in 2020. We must call out the lies at every turn lest they cost US and the Middle East more lives and trillions of dollars in blood and treasure
Those of us who lived through the Cheney lies of 2003 must not allow America to relive them in 2020. We must call out the lies at every turn lest they cost US and the Middle East more lives and trillions of dollars in blood and treasure. #NoWarWithlran #WednesdayMotivation— Christine Pelosi (@sfpelosi) January 8, 2020
WE OUTNUMBER Trump supporters by at least 5 to 1. But they do not want you to know that. 75% of USA is made up of women, non-whites, & veterans, few who support trump. The leaves the 25% white males, less than half who are MAGAts. So why are we tolerating trump? RISE UP
WE OUTNUMBER Trump supporters by at least 5 to 1. But they do not want you to know that. 75% of USA is made up of women, non-whites, & veterans, few who support trump. The leaves the 25% white males, less than half who are MAGAts. So why are we tolerating trump? RISE UP— Thomas Kaine (@thomaskaine5) January 8, 2020
Arizona official resigns months after being charged with running a human smuggling operation that paid pregnant women from the Marshall Islands to give up their babies in the U.S.
If my sources are correct, there are many stories to come after this one - none of them nice. https://t.co/4EU20fnVbS— Eric Garland (@ericgarland) January 8, 2020
Al Asad Airbase is the US base that POTUS visited in Christmas 2018. That’s the symbolism.
He went there because it was the safest, most heavily fortified base to visit.— Molly McKew (@MollyMcKew) January 8, 2020
The message: we can reach that too
This 👇— Molly McKew (@MollyMcKew) January 8, 2020
Hence let’s hope it ends at this and twitter fingers don’t reign https://t.co/Wb6Ud2Eh6Z https://t.co/cs9ALYRhu6
Schiff: "If McConnell really wants to follow the Clinton precedent, then he should be demanding that all those documents be provided now. But of course he isn't. He wants to have it both ways. What he really wants to do is give the appearance of" a trial.
Schiff: "If McConnell really wants to follow the Clinton precedent, then he should be demanding that all those documents be provided now. But of course he isn't. He wants to have it both ways. What he really wants to do is give the appearance of" a trial. https://t.co/q1TSkfjiI0— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) January 8, 2020
For those who missed it, watch the Joint Chiefs faces when he mentions hypersonic weapons
For those who missed it, watch the Joint Chiefs faces when he mentions hypersonic weaponshttps://t.co/jiePNahTCv— Angry Staffer (@AngrierWHStaff) January 8, 2020
Trump’s ramblin’ 10 minute speech summarized into 4 words? I. Have. No. Plan.
Trump’s ramblin’ 10 minute speech summarized into 4 words?— Tea Pain (@TeaPainUSA) January 8, 2020
I. Have. No. Plan.
The Soleimani saga shows how desperately our country needs a president we and the world can trust. The Ukraine scandal explains why we don’t have one, writes
The Soleimani saga shows how desperately our country needs a president we and the world can trust.— Washington Post Opinions (@PostOpinions) January 8, 2020
The Ukraine scandal explains why we don’t have one, writes @neal_katyal and @jgeltzer in @PostEverything https://t.co/VScMV6WUGJ
A bipartisan group of campaign finance lawyers is urging the White House and congressional leaders to “work together and immediately” to restore a voting quorum on the Federal Election Commission
A bipartisan group of campaign finance lawyers is urging the White House and congressional leaders to “work together and immediately” to restore a voting quorum on the Federal Election Commissionhttps://t.co/SVGqq1V2Ej— OpenSecrets.org (@OpenSecretsDC) January 8, 2020
Even wars have rules. #NotATarget
this is heartbreaking but important https://t.co/kQ0Njazm4P— Mac William Bishop (@MacWBishop) January 8, 2020
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called for Sen. Mitch McConnell to "immediately" publish the resolution detailing the rules for the Senate impeachment trial of President Trump, saying that needs to happen before the impeachment articles are sent to the Senate
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called for Sen. Mitch McConnell to "immediately" publish the resolution detailing the rules for the Senate impeachment trial of President Trump, saying that needs to happen before the impeachment articles are sent to the Senate https://t.co/wKoXl5600o— CNN (@CNN) January 8, 2020
A mysterious virus in central China has infected dozens, raising fears of a new epidemic. Here's what to know
A mysterious virus in central China has infected dozens, raising fears of a new epidemic. Here's what to know https://t.co/1NeiXF0hee pic.twitter.com/1xv6ujSAPg— TIME (@TIME) January 8, 2020
Everything we know about the plane crash in Iran that killed 176 people
Everything we know about the plane crash in Iran that killed 176 people https://t.co/3nrjAwlYn2 pic.twitter.com/ICz95jP9W7— Gizmodo (@Gizmodo) January 8, 2020
This video purports to show the Iranian attack against U.S. forces stationed in Iraq. The IRGC said the attack was "a total success," Trump tweeted "All is well!" adding, "So far, so good" regarding casualties.
This video purports to show the Iranian attack against U.S. forces stationed in Iraq. The IRGC said the attack was "a total success," Trump tweeted "All is well!" adding, "So far, so good" regarding casualties. pic.twitter.com/G2YLVXuQio— Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (@RFERL) January 8, 2020
I don’t speak Arabic, so I can’t say if google translate is accurate here; however, this a a verified account saying Iran shot down @Ukraine’s passenger jet, apparently by accident
I don’t speak Arabic, so I can’t say if google translate is accurate here; however, this a a verified account saying Iran shot down @Ukraine’s passenger jet, apparently by accident https://t.co/Xct2VlBWe1— Louise Mensch (@LouiseMensch) January 8, 2020
The reason I mention the translation is that it renders as “Ukrainian jet shot down after accidentally injuring Iranian missile”. The plane was, of course, a US-made Boeing jet. Reports say the pilot made no distress call, and @HassanRouhani boasted of Lockerbie yesterday.— Louise Mensch (@LouiseMensch) January 8, 2020
So forever Trumpers call engagement with North Korea (with zero results so far) brilliant diplomacy, but Obama's negotiation with Iran to achieve an actual nuclear deal was appeasement? Not logical.
So forever Trumpers call engagement with North Korea (with zero results so far) brilliant diplomacy, but Obama's negotiation with Iran to achieve an actual nuclear deal was appeasement? Not logical. https://t.co/zJZDyqKF6x— Michael McFaul (@McFaul) January 7, 2020
Needs to talk to Putin first, and it's not yet 5am in Moscow.
Needs to talk to Putin first, and it's not yet 5am in Moscow. https://t.co/3yPQHGYdGh— JackiSchechner (@JackiSchechner) January 8, 2020
JUST NOW: As Mitch McConnell continues to push for a sham Senate trial with no witnesses and no evidence, we flooded his office, reciting Article II, Section 4 of the US Constitution.
JUST NOW: As Mitch McConnell continues to push for a sham Senate trial with no witnesses and no evidence, we flooded his office, reciting Article II, Section 4 of the US Constitution.— Remove Trump #SwarmTheSenate Jan 6 onward (@Remove_TrumpNow) January 7, 2020
Join our daily actions: https://t.co/j7fJIfRQRO #SwarmTheSenate #RemoveTrump pic.twitter.com/H0XkGo3eeL
New: To understand top presidential adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner, you have to learn his family history
New: To understand top presidential adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner, you have to learn his family history.https://t.co/QUE4nvZm1c— ProPublica (@propublica) January 8, 2020
Remember when that black woman unknowingly voted illegally and was sentenced to 5 years in prison? Meanwhile, treasonous weasel Michael Flynn lied to the FBI, failed to accept responsibility, undermined a criminal case, and faces 0 to 6 very rich, very white, very male months.
Remember when that black woman unknowingly voted illegally and was sentenced to 5 years in prison? Meanwhile, treasonous weasel Michael Flynn lied to the FBI, failed to accept responsibility, undermined a criminal case, and faces 0 to 6 very rich, very white, very male months.— Andrea Junker (@Strandjunker) January 7, 2020
Whoever you support in the primary, they should be stating this clearly right now.
Whoever you support in the primary, they should be stating this clearly right now. https://t.co/5qWuHiWZcz— Ezra Levin (@ezralevin) January 8, 2020
Trump's campaign has run more than 800 different Facebook ads bragging about the Soleimani assassination. Don't let anyone claim it's too soon or inappropriate to question his disastrous foreign policy. These people are dangerously incompetent.
Trump's campaign has run more than 800 different Facebook ads bragging about the Soleimani assassination. Don't let anyone claim it's too soon or inappropriate to question his disastrous foreign policy. These people are dangerously incompetent. https://t.co/F6ecqUhDQr— Tommy Vietor (@TVietor08) January 8, 2020
Opinion: How we try to find hope amid the slaughter in northern Syria
Opinion: How we try to find hope amid the slaughter in northern Syria https://t.co/nWplVSwTvg— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) January 8, 2020
While this whole shit show in Iran and Iraq is unravelling, let's not forget the thing @realDonaldTrump is trying to distract us from.
While this whole shit show in Iran and Iraq is unravelling, let's not forget the thing @realDonaldTrump is trying to distract us from. https://t.co/86QBDrZa05— Devin Nunes' Alt-Mom (@NunesAlt) January 8, 2020
“Do we want a senator who understands it is sometimes his duty to question a president, especially one who threatens constitutional boundaries? Or do we want one so consumed with currying favor that he embarrasses himself and the state he represents?”
“Do we want a senator who understands it is sometimes his duty to question a president, especially one who threatens constitutional boundaries? Or do we want one so consumed with currying favor that he embarrasses himself and the state he represents?” https://t.co/H7JJvLHwrj— Rachel Maddow MSNBC (@maddow) January 7, 2020
They used to clash. Now they share a common goal—to disrupt Europe
They used to clash. Now they share a common goal—to disrupt Europe https://t.co/v0PTk9gKWv— Bloomberg (@business) January 8, 2020
Tonight's news is all the more sobering because, if history is any guide, this won't constitute the totality of the retaliation. We should be prepared for months or even years of this, across theaters and with different tactics -- all for choosing a path we never had to go down.
Tonight's news is all the more sobering because, if history is any guide, this won't constitute the totality of the retaliation. We should be prepared for months or even years of this, across theaters and with different tactics -- all for choosing a path we never had to go down. https://t.co/ohtuwEaP9p— Ned Price (@nedprice) January 7, 2020
These threats of war crimes & mass murder by Iran make this the most dangerous night in history of American military in the Middle East and the President of the United States has no idea what to say. White House says Trump won't make a statement. He's literally speechless.
These threats of war crimes & mass murder by Iran make this the most dangerous night in history of American military in the Middle East and the President of the United States has no idea what to say. White House says Trump won't make a statement. He's literally speechless. https://t.co/cVxLtR59rP— Lawrence O'Donnell (@Lawrence) January 8, 2020
Florida man meets his banker
Florida man meets his banker https://t.co/4pv5pgO7Zu— Christine Pelosi (@sfpelosi) January 7, 2020
Update: Iraqi Senior Officials are now saying they also suffered no Casualties and now my thinking has just gone a different direction right back to a planned trumpf/Putin/Khomeini Op. Now Back to Presidential Removal. I see one big Giant Wag the Dog now.
Update:— Badd Company (@BaddCompani) January 8, 2020
Iraqi Senior Officials are now saying they also suffered no Casualties and now my thinking has just gone a different direction right back to a planned trumpf/Putin/Khomeini Op.
Now Back to Presidential Removal.
I see one big Giant Wag the Dog now.
The Crown Prince delivered an in-person message to Trump on Monday. Over the weekend, some Putin emissaries flew to Mar-a-Lago to deliver a in-person message to Trump. In-person communications escape interception. No way to know what these pariahs are cooking up.
The Crown Prince delivered an in-person message to Trump on Monday.— Christopher C. Alberto (@ChrisAlbertoLaw) January 8, 2020
Over the weekend, some Putin emissaries flew to Mar-a-Lago to deliver a in-person message to Trump.
In-person communications escape interception.
No way to know what these pariahs are cooking up. https://t.co/alPiPuPvvB
"Watching this administration try to deal with what is now their most dangerous scenario they've ever faced is like watching a slow motion train wreck. You know that the train's gonna crash... you just don't know how bad it's gonna be"
"Watching this administration try to deal with what is now their most dangerous scenario they've ever faced is like watching a slow motion train wreck. You know that the train's gonna crash... you just don't know how bad it's gonna be" - @FrankFigliuzzi1 w/ @NicolleDWallace pic.twitter.com/QqHwf8KwiO— Deadline White House (@DeadlineWH) January 7, 2020
Fake text messages about a military draft are being sent to Americans, the US Army warns
Fake text messages about a military draft are being sent to Americans, the US Army warns— Mike Walker (@New_Narrative) January 7, 2020
I lost both legs in Iraq, this pic is me walking again for the 1st time (I'd spend 2yrs in a hospital recovering). The other pic is my squad in Fallujah. 4/7 ended up being wounded & 1 lost to suicide. Don't let Trump waste any more lives. Speak out
I lost both legs in Iraq, this pic is me walking again for the 1st time (I'd spend 2yrs in a hospital recovering). The other pic is my squad in Fallujah. 4/7 ended up being wounded & 1 lost to suicide. Don't let Trump waste any more lives. Speak out #NoWarWithIran #EndForeverWar pic.twitter.com/HbVn6BUTAS— Steven Kiernan (@MsgToObserver) January 8, 2020
I don't like it when national symbols become euphemisms for d*ck measuring
I don't like it when national symbols become euphemisms for d*ck measuring https://t.co/J6S6Jm7nRM— Molly McKew (@MollyMcKew) January 8, 2020
This week once again provided true insight into what our government stands for above all else: war profiteering. Start wars, make profits, lather, rinse, repeat. Worse, this system is designed to keep replicating & never solve real problems. Groundhog day.
This week once again provided true insight into what our government stands for above all else: war profiteering. Start wars, make profits, lather, rinse, repeat. Worse, this system is designed to keep replicating & never solve real problems. Groundhog day.— Rogue WH Snr Advisor (@RogueSNRadvisor) January 8, 2020
Kamala Harris calls for the declassification of the Soleimani War Powers Act notification: "Having reviewed the president's formal notification to Congress, it is clear that this information should not be classified and hidden from the American people."
Kamala Harris calls for the declassification of the Soleimani War Powers Act notification: "Having reviewed the president's formal notification to Congress, it is clear that this information should not be classified and hidden from the American people."— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) January 7, 2020
.@DonaldJTrumpJr, my daughter was a victim of AR 15 violence in Parkland. You know that and you know some of the families. This photo and its incitement of violence only confirms you are a dangerous low life peice of garbage who may get someone killed.
.@DonaldJTrumpJr, my daughter was a victim of AR 15 violence in Parkland. You know that and you know some of the families. This photo and its incitement of violence only confirms you are a dangerous low life peice of garbage who may get someone killed. https://t.co/7UYAwbdWwd— Fred Guttenberg (@fred_guttenberg) January 7, 2020
Another 20 percent cut in IRS auditing. America is giving away tens of billions a year to tax cheats by cutting the IRS, even as its responsibilities grow. This is madness.
Another 20 percent cut in IRS auditing. America is giving away tens of billions a year to tax cheats by cutting the IRS, even as its responsibilities grow. This is madness. https://t.co/iIUAsjRPsE via @WSJ— Lawrence H. Summers (@LHSummers) January 7, 2020
NEW: The House impeached President Donald Trump three weeks ago, but a gusher of evidence related to the case has continued to flow — threatening to intensify the Ukraine scandal, regardless of what happens in the Senate.
NEW: The House impeached President Donald Trump three weeks ago, but a gusher of evidence related to the case has continued to flow — threatening to intensify the Ukraine scandal, regardless of what happens in the Senate.— Kyle Cheney (@kyledcheney) January 7, 2020
w/ @AndrewDesideriohttps://t.co/Uo6eBNnTjB
Wow, it's like the whole Soleimani-Iran-Iraq Op is just to make Russia the regional hegemon they've always wanted to be.
Wow, it's like the whole Soleimani-Iran-Iraq Op is just to make Russia the regional hegemon they've always wanted to be. https://t.co/VREaukeXaj— Eric Garland (@ericgarland) January 7, 2020
This is Nawres Hamid. He is the American killed in the Dec. 27 attack in Iraq that spiked tensions between the U.S. and Iran. He worked as an interpreter for U.S. forces. He was a dad and husband, born in Iraq and naturalized as a U.S. citizen. RIP.
This is Nawres Hamid. He is the American killed in the Dec. 27 attack in Iraq that spiked tensions between the U.S. and Iran.— Dan Lamothe (@DanLamothe) January 8, 2020
He worked as an interpreter for U.S. forces. He was a dad and husband, born in Iraq and naturalized as a U.S. citizen.
RIP.https://t.co/eTobIMLkSd pic.twitter.com/sJG0bwjBpW
Let’s recap what William Barr has done on Ukraine: - Bogus legal opinion that whistleblower complaint should not be sent to Congress; - Refused even to open an investigation; - Argued in court that Administration can block all witnesses. So much for the search for truth.
Let’s recap what William Barr has done on Ukraine:— Elie Honig (@eliehonig) January 7, 2020
- Bogus legal opinion that whistleblower complaint should not be sent to Congress;
- Refused even to open an investigation;
- Argued in court that Administration can block all witnesses.
So much for the search for truth.
Ukrainian Foreign Minister Vadym Prystayko said 82 Iranian citizens were on board, as well as 63 Canadians, 10 Swedes, four Afghans, three Germans, three Brits, and 11 Ukrainians. No survivors.
Ukrainian Foreign Minister Vadym Prystayko said 82 Iranian citizens were on board, as well as 63 Canadians, 10 Swedes, four Afghans, three Germans, three Brits, and 11 Ukrainians. No survivors. #ukraineplanecrash pic.twitter.com/tteldtDSDG— Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (@RFERL) January 8, 2020
U.S. District Judge Christopher Cooper decided the documents, obtained during the FBI investigation into possible connections between Trump's campaign and Moscow, would be released after 60 day.
Release it now! Why wait?— 💙 Latina 4 Justice 💙 (@impeach_45NOW) January 8, 2020
U.S. District Judge Christopher Cooper decided the documents, obtained during the FBI investigation into possible connections between Trump's campaign and Moscow, would be released after 60 day. https://t.co/rWrn8wAkuD
American people before WW1 had become pacifist. They didn’t want to join the 1st world war. But the money men did. By the end of the propaganda campaign, the American people were crying to join the war.
American people before WW1 had become pacifist. They didn’t want to join the 1st world war. But the money men did. By the end of the propaganda campaign, the American people were crying to join the war. https://t.co/tzYVAweVfS— Mr. Spock 🖖 (Commentary) (@SpockResists) January 8, 2020
Atheist Group Asks IRS to Probe Megachurch Over Pro-Trump Rally, Says Event Violates Rule Banning Political Participation
Atheist Group Asks IRS to Probe Megachurch Over Pro-Trump Rally, Says Event Violates Rule Banning Political Participation https://t.co/C3dAz63pmD— mike ewald (@mikeewald2) January 8, 2020
The devastating Australian bushfires have been burning for months and there's no end in sight. Here's how you can help
The devastating Australian bushfires have been burning for months and there's no end in sight. Here's how you can help. https://t.co/i3bHxvc6EV— CNN (@CNN) January 8, 2020
Iran took & concluded proportionate measures in self-defense under Article 51 of UN Charter targeting base from which cowardly armed attack against our citizens & senior officials were launched. We do not seek escalation or war, but will defend ourselves against any aggression.
Iran’s Foreign Minister👇🏽 https://t.co/mlY25w4RVb— Geoff Bennett (@GeoffRBennett) January 8, 2020
Facebook exec says company was responsible for Trump’s victory but warns against policy changes
Facebook exec says company was responsible for Trump’s victory but warns against policy changes https://t.co/YVCXdpiuOK— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) January 8, 2020
I’m seeing a lot of: “Why aren’t we all out in the streets??” Guess what? Mass #NoWarWithIran protests are schedule for Thursday! Let’s walk the talk.
I’m seeing a lot of:— Nick Knudsen 🇺🇸 #DemCast (@DemWrite) January 8, 2020
“Why aren’t we all out in the streets??”
Guess what? Mass #NoWarWithIran protests are schedule for Thursday! Let’s walk the talk. #DemCast @MoveOn @IndivisibleTeam
Details: https://t.co/WNO1OxFTu2 pic.twitter.com/v1jgiqK2jF
.@RepJasonCrow, who has served in combat in Afghanistan and Iraq, says President Trump's tweet that "all is well" shows he does not understand or care about what troops and their families are experiencing as Iran targets two U.S. bases in Iraq.
.@RepJasonCrow, who has served in combat in Afghanistan and Iraq, says President Trump's tweet that "all is well" shows he does not understand or care about what troops and their families are experiencing as Iran targets two U.S. bases in Iraq. https://t.co/Mxev9iN9XM pic.twitter.com/hAgAcBaEnX— The Last Word (@TheLastWord) January 8, 2020
New from me on how Facebook and Twitter and the dangerous “newsworthiness” loophole that lets public figures act recklessly. Platforms claim it’s in the public interest. Maybe. But newsworthiness is a choice masquerading as an inevitability.
New from me on how Facebook and Twitter and the dangerous “newsworthiness” loophole that lets public figures act recklessly.— Charlie Warzel (@cwarzel) January 8, 2020
Platforms claim it’s in the public interest. Maybe. But newsworthiness is a choice masquerading as an inevitability. https://t.co/XtkjOKaqxA
NEW: Rudy Giuliani — hired by Iran's MEK to get it off the terrorist list — is in Trump's ear and cheering the recent Iran actions. Soleimani was “directly responsible for killing some of my MEK people,” he told The Beast. “We don't like him very much.”
NEW: Rudy Giuliani — hired by Iran's MEK to get it off the terrorist list — is in Trump's ear and cheering the recent Iran actions. Soleimani was “directly responsible for killing some of my MEK people,” he told The Beast. “We don't like him very much.” — Noah Shachtman (@NoahShachtman) January 8, 2020
Tucker Carlson blames Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer for advocating for war against Iran
Tucker Carlson blames Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer for advocating for war against Iran pic.twitter.com/1391QS882L— Acyn Torabi (@Acyn) January 8, 2020
Footnote: George HW Bush pardoned 6 Reagan officials convicted of crimes in the Iran-Contra affair, as recommended by his Attorney General Bill Barr.
Footnote: George HW Bush pardoned 6 Reagan officials convicted of crimes in the Iran-Contra affair, as recommended by his Attorney General Bill Barr. — Jim Sciutto (@jimsciutto) January 8, 2020
We published a paper in 2016 that discussed (among other things) how “breaking news” accounts propagate rumors during crisis events. It appears that this dynamic has only grown more pervasive (and possibly more intentional).
We published a paper in 2016 that discussed (among other things) how “breaking news” accounts propagate rumors during crisis events. It appears that this dynamic has only grown more pervasive (and possibly more intentional). https://t.co/0dUSCgG3Xk https://t.co/yShbwAmCGm— Kate Starbird (@katestarbird) January 8, 2020
Trump is trying to portray Democrats as Iran sympathizers for questioning the his decision to kill Qassem Soleimani
Trump is trying to portray Democrats as Iran sympathizers for questioning the his decision to kill Qassem Soleimanihttps://t.co/CeM748b3qF— POLITICO (@politico) January 8, 2020
Rachel Maddow on Trump and Iran: “There isn’t any part of his head that thinks, no other president has wanted to do this probably for a reason”
Rachel Maddow on Trump and Iran: “There isn’t any part of his head that thinks, no other president has wanted to do this probably for a reason” https://t.co/nzyS6MUe5R— The Daily Beast (@thedailybeast) January 8, 2020
The guy paid by Fraud Garunteed
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said that if Adam Schiff would not have impeached Trump, the president would not have attacked Iran.— Sarah Reese Jones (@PoliticusSarah) January 7, 2020
https://t.co/iJKDI4VNOh via @politicususa
This is how Trump has influenced our military. This man says that he wants Iran “blown the fuck up” to the point that it no longer exists. And he wants it because they “talk shit.” He must be dishonorably discharged.
This is how Trump has influenced our military.— Joshua Potash (@JoshuaPotash) January 7, 2020
This man says that he wants Iran “blown the fuck up” to the point that it no longer exists.
And he wants it because they “talk shit.”
He must be dishonorably discharged.
'World cannot afford war': U.S. Democrats respond to Iran missile strike
'World cannot afford war': U.S. Democrats respond to Iran missile strike https://t.co/InlqyX3GjX pic.twitter.com/T4OeBMgnKK— Reuters (@Reuters) January 8, 2020
The Facebook exec said their controversial ad policy “very well may lead” to Trump's reelection—but they shouldn't change it and get in his way
The Facebook exec said their controversial ad policy “very well may lead” to Trump's reelection—but they shouldn't change it and get in his way https://t.co/e7vLMo9gYW— VANITY FAIR (@VanityFair) January 8, 2020
“If you offer him a bunch of kind of normal ideas and one cuckoo-for-cocoa-puffs idea, there’s no reason to believe that cuckoo for cocoa puffs will seem at all different or less palatable for him.”
“If you offer him a bunch of kind of normal ideas and one cuckoo-for-cocoa-puffs idea, there’s no reason to believe that cuckoo for cocoa puffs will seem at all different or less palatable for him.” — @maddow on @LateNightSeth https://t.co/WYSNSRol7I— Matt Wilstein (@mattwilstein) January 8, 2020
JUST IN: Ukraine International Airlines suspends flights to Tehran indefinitely: statement. Latest:
JUST IN: Ukraine International Airlines suspends flights to Tehran indefinitely: statement. Latest: https://t.co/ESEeYpHubY pic.twitter.com/QuuRLme3Ea— Reuters (@Reuters) January 8, 2020
Secretary of state Sean Hannity
Secretary of state Sean Hannity https://t.co/w3w1m07wTt— Tatum O'neal (@Tatum_Oneal) January 8, 2020
The Boeing jet that crashed in Iran on Wednesday was a predecessor to the 737 Max aircraft
The Boeing jet that crashed in Iran on Wednesday was a predecessor to the 737 Max aircraft https://t.co/wvsnN2Hf1U— Bloomberg Middle East (@middleeast) January 8, 2020
JUST IN: Ukraine Security Council says eleven Ukrainian citizens killed in Iran plane crash, including nine crew. Latest:
JUST IN: Ukraine Security Council says eleven Ukrainian citizens killed in Iran plane crash, including nine crew. Latest: https://t.co/j3LQ0d2vLW pic.twitter.com/DrvI6aJ48j— Reuters (@Reuters) January 8, 2020
FAA just out with three NOTAMs banning US operations (US air carriers, US-registered aircraft, licensed airmen) over Iran, Iraq, the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman
FAA just out with three NOTAMs banning US operations (US air carriers, US-registered aircraft, licensed airmen) over Iran, Iraq, the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman pic.twitter.com/dcmuqdASfb— Ethan Klapper (@ethanklapper) January 8, 2020
Trump's second term pledge for Social Security and Medicaid? The chopping block. Make no mistake, this election is the most important in our lifetime. There's too much at stake
Trump's second term pledge for Social Security and Medicaid? The chopping block.— Steve Woodsmall for Congress NC-11 (@SteveWoodsmall) January 7, 2020
Make no mistake, this election is the most important in our lifetime. There's too much at stake.https://t.co/39Qy8W9xKV
A reminder if you're watching TV news tonight: The channels will be littered with people who have always supported US wars, no matter how major the folly, and who have ties -- likely undisclosed on the air -- to companies that will profit immensely from a war.
A reminder if you're watching TV news tonight: The channels will be littered with people who have always supported US wars, no matter how major the folly, and who have ties -- likely undisclosed on the air -- to companies that will profit immensely from a war.— Dan Gillmor (@dangillmor) January 8, 2020
The Ukrainian Embassy in Tehran has ruled out a terror attack as a possible cause for Wednesday's plane crash. It says preliminary information suggests engine failure was responsible.
The Ukrainian Embassy in Tehran has ruled out a terror attack as a possible cause for Wednesday's plane crash.— CNN (@CNN) January 8, 2020
It says preliminary information suggests engine failure was responsible. https://t.co/ng7TGm8Hv5
Trump’s reelection campaign is planning to drop $10 million to advertise during the Super Bowl, the start of a massive election-year spending spree that will intensify over the coming months
Trump’s reelection campaign is planning to drop $10 million to advertise during the Super Bowl, the start of a massive election-year spending spree that will intensify over the coming monthshttps://t.co/2ydoTioYVI— POLITICO (@politico) January 8, 2020
Video footage reportedly showing the Ukrainian jet liner on fire as it crashes shortly after take off from Tehran
Video footage reportedly showing the Ukrainian jet liner on fire as it crashes shortly after take off from Tehran: pic.twitter.com/FQ1oFuhyZZ— Alex Salvi (@alexsalvinews) January 8, 2020
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has called for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to "immediately" publish the resolution detailing the rules for the Senate impeachment trial of President Trump
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has called for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to "immediately" publish the resolution detailing the rules for the Senate impeachment trial of President Trump https://t.co/dmFa5pzwxb— CNN (@CNN) January 8, 2020
.@wendyrsherman, lead negotiator on the Iran nuclear deal, analyzes the latest rhetoric of Donald Trump and Iran – and who it serves.
.@wendyrsherman, lead negotiator on the Iran nuclear deal, analyzes the latest rhetoric of Donald Trump and Iran – and who it serves. https://t.co/j4726GIW6j pic.twitter.com/LKWpOCV0Vq— The Last Word (@TheLastWord) January 8, 2020
Perspective: How anti-terrorism laws equip law enforcement to crack down on Iranian Americans
Perspective: How anti-terrorism laws equip law enforcement to crack down on Iranian Americans https://t.co/P2vREFeq2x— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) January 8, 2020
A handful of people waving Iraqi, Iranian and Palestinian flags in Tehran apparently celebrate the missile strikes on Iraqi bases housing US-led coalition forces. Iran says 80 American military personnel killed while Pentagon says there were no casualties
A handful of people waving Iraqi, Iranian and Palestinian flags in Tehran apparently celebrate the missile strikes on Iraqi bases housing US-led coalition forces. Iran says 80 American military personnel killed while Pentagon says there were no casualties pic.twitter.com/5IhwezGJRT— Fazel Hawramy (@FazelHawramy) January 8, 2020
Russia is opening its natural gas link to Turkey, just as U.S. sanctions stall another gas-export project
Russia is opening its natural gas link to Turkey, just as U.S. sanctions stall another gas-export project https://t.co/KcMstDTIPV— Bloomberg (@business) January 8, 2020
Tonight will go down in history as the night that an American president got US troops attacked in order to keep himself and his family out of prison. My, how far our country has fallen...
Tonight will go down in history as the night that an American president got US troops attacked in order to keep himself and his family out of prison.— Stone (@stonecold2050) January 8, 2020
My, how far our country has fallen... pic.twitter.com/xxhg8oNQ8E
Iran targeted two military bases that house US troops in Iraq earlier today -- the Al Assad air base and a base in Erbil. Here's what we know about them.
Iran targeted two military bases that house US troops in Iraq earlier today -- the Al Assad air base and a base in Erbil. Here's what we know about them. https://t.co/s41OoLDpfL— CNN (@CNN) January 8, 2020
#BREAKING: Iranian state media reporting Iranian citizens among the dead after Ukrainian aircraft crashes near Tehran airport. The deceased citizens were on the ground, not on the plane, state media says.
#BREAKING: Iranian state media reporting Iranian citizens among the dead after Ukrainian aircraft crashes near Tehran airport. The deceased citizens were on the ground, not on the plane, state media says.— Matthew Keys (@MatthewKeysLive) January 8, 2020
Ukrainian Airplane Crashes in Iran, Killing at Least 170
Ukrainian Airplane Crashes in Iran, Killing at Least 170 https://t.co/jirQKeKBdr pic.twitter.com/pfVBmGizAG— Courthouse News (@CourthouseNews) January 8, 2020
Analysis: Mideast Strategy Has Even Trump’s Allies Scratching Their Heads
Our Allies Said Enough is Enough! This Air Brained Dumb Leader Does not know what the hell he is doing! Even the Pentagon has to do damage assessments because of Trump's Mess up.— DAVID BLACK (@FivePolitix) January 8, 2020
Analysis: Mideast Strategy Has Even Trump’s Allies Scratching Their Heads https://t.co/pXyyP2TfkI
I’m going to hold off on commenting on the news tonight until we know more, but there is one thing I will say: Jill and I are keeping our troops and Americans overseas in our prayers. We hope you’ll keep them in yours. — Joe Biden
I’m going to hold off on commenting on the news tonight until we know more, but there is one thing I will say: Jill and I are keeping our troops and Americans overseas in our prayers. We hope you’ll keep them in yours.— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) January 8, 2020
Trump officials are bending over backward to say he didn't threaten to commit a war crime after he repeatedly threatened to commit a war crime
Trump officials are bending over backward to say he didn't threaten to commit a war crime after he repeatedly threatened to commit a war crime— Judge JuJu {Sassy Since Birth}🌊♉🎵🌟 (@JujuJudge) January 7, 2020
They can try to bend like Gumby but we know he said it. Move on.
Canada's top general says no Canadian forces killed in Iranian missile attack. This is what communications from the military should look like
Canada's top general says no Canadian forces killed in Iranian missile attack. This is what communications from the military should look like https://t.co/aJbqAiwntF— Ryan Browne (@rabrowne75) January 8, 2020
.@RepJasonCrow, who has served in combat in Afghanistan and Iraq, says President Trump's tweet that "all is well" shows he does not understand or care about what troops and their families are experiencing as Iran targets two U.S. bases in Iraq.
.@RepJasonCrow, who has served in combat in Afghanistan and Iraq, says President Trump's tweet that "all is well" shows he does not understand or care about what troops and their families are experiencing as Iran targets two U.S. bases in Iraq. https://t.co/Mxev9iN9XM pic.twitter.com/hAgAcBaEnX— The Last Word (@TheLastWord) January 8, 2020
No Iraqi casualties in 22-missile Iranian attack overnight: military
No Iraqi casualties in 22-missile Iranian attack overnight: military https://t.co/ozGJm14akY Follow our live blog for updates: https://t.co/xTPkQjVyD8 pic.twitter.com/K9QF4CrABX— Reuters (@Reuters) January 8, 2020
Why Politicians Get a License to Lie
New from me on how Facebook and Twitter and the dangerous “newsworthiness” loophole that lets public figures act recklessly.— Charlie Warzel (@cwarzel) January 8, 2020
Platforms claim it’s in the public interest. Maybe. But newsworthiness is a choice masquerading as an inevitability. https://t.co/XtkjOKaqxA
Reminder that as this crisis escalates, we have no Director of National Intelligence, no Dep Dir, no Homeland Security Secretary, no Dep Sec, no head of CBP or ICE, no State Dept Under Sec of Arms Control, no Asst Sec for Europe, and no Navy Sec.
Reminder that as this crisis escalates, we have no Director of National Intelligence, no Dep Dir, no Homeland Security Secretary, no Dep Sec, no head of CBP or ICE, no State Dept Under Sec of Arms Control, no Asst Sec for Europe, and no Navy Sec.— Garrett M. Graff (@vermontgmg) January 8, 2020
Jimmy Kimmel dunks on Republican Rep. Paul Gosar, who tweeted fake Obama-Iran photo: “He’s the congressman whose own siblings—his brothers and sisters—took out an attack ad against him during the midterms and endorsed his opponent”
Jimmy Kimmel dunks on Republican Rep. Paul Gosar, who tweeted fake Obama-Iran photo: “He’s the congressman whose own siblings—his brothers and sisters—took out an attack ad against him during the midterms and endorsed his opponent” https://t.co/b3LOQlFYMQ— The Daily Beast (@thedailybeast) January 8, 2020
Trump impetuousness seen in poorly planned strike on Iran general
Trump impetuousness seen in poorly planned strike on Iran general https://t.co/TfKUi6ueO6 via @msnbc— Chef Witch Hunter (@Chefefefe) January 8, 2020
Duckworth alarmed at breakdown of Pentagon processes under Trump
Duckworth alarmed at breakdown of Pentagon processes under Trump https://t.co/OaYJxGijtf via @msnbc— Chef Witch Hunter (@Chefefefe) January 8, 2020
Iran attack likely to increase pressure for US to leave Iraq
Iran attack likely to increase pressure for US to leave Iraq https://t.co/UOMRSxCD4p via @msnbc— Chef Witch Hunter (@Chefefefe) January 8, 2020
Journalism crucial as Trump flirts with war without credibility
Journalism crucial as Trump flirts with war without credibility https://t.co/nzTR7IQt9B via @msnbc— Chef Witch Hunter (@Chefefefe) January 8, 2020
Trump presents Americans with split screen of calamity
Trump presents Americans with split screen of calamity https://t.co/2xHqEH3BuI via @msnbc— Chef Witch Hunter (@Chefefefe) January 8, 2020
Trump wagged the dog. Now the dog is wagging Trump.
Trump wagged the dog.— Lawrence O'Donnell (@Lawrence) January 8, 2020
Now the dog is wagging Trump.
The president won't be making a televised address to the nation on the Iran crisis tonight, WH officials including Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham tell CNN.
The president won't be making a televised address to the nation on the Iran crisis tonight, WH officials including Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham tell CNN.— Jim Acosta (@Acosta) January 8, 2020
Can I rewrite this headline? "Tragically, the Iranian missile attack resulted in casualties of Iraqi soldiers, stationed together with their American allied forces."
Can I rewrite this headline? "Tragically, the Iranian missile attack resulted in casualties of Iraqi soldiers, stationed together with their American allied forces." https://t.co/0KIL6xK79b— Michael McFaul (@McFaul) January 8, 2020
NEW: Judge denies release of Jeffrey Epstein’s grand jury records
NEW: Judge denies release of Jeffrey Epstein’s grand jury records https://t.co/dYiab4wQ9e— julie k. brown (@jkbjournalist) January 8, 2020
The White House has just released Trump's schedule for tomorrow. Trump has nothing on his schedule except for an intelligence briefing, which he does not receive until 2:15pm.
The White House has just released Trump's schedule for tomorrow. Trump has nothing on his schedule except for an intelligence briefing, which he does not receive until 2:15pm.— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) January 8, 2020
BREAKING: Ukrainian Boeing 737 plane carrying 180 people crashes near Tehran airport moments after take-off
BREAKING: Ukrainian Boeing 737 plane carrying 180 people crashes near Tehran airport moments after take-off— The Spectator Index (@spectatorindex) January 8, 2020
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