Thursday, March 28, 2019

Fox News legal analyst predicts Mueller report will prove Schiff "correct" on some collusion

New this AM: months after Trump took office, Liberty University, the school run by Trump supporter Jerry Falwell Jr, got a contract to supply the Pentagon with jet fuel

BREAKING: In new letter, Engel and McCaul call for briefing on Jared's trip to Saudi no later than April 5

#Russia's state TV: Evgeny Popov: "It seems, there are two different presidents in America. One Trump tells us to get out of #Venezuela." Olga Skabeeva: "The other Trump, the one we like—the one whom we elected, as you may recall—says that he wants normal relations with Russia."

Exclusive: Trump used unusual financial statements to exaggerate his wealth, hide debts as a businessman, documents reviewed by The Post show

Before wrapping up their Russia probe, Robert Mueller's team briefly interviewed Maria Butina

The idea that Democrats sometimes lose presidential elections, and that Republican presidents sometimes subsequently appoint Supreme Court justices, is apparently no longer to be tolerated.

An NRA official emailed a notorious Sandy Hook hoaxer who has harassed the families of dead children to call into question the Parkland, Florida, shooting, emails obtained by HuffPost show.

Perspective: Why Donald Trump’s decision to intervene in campus speech policies is so dangerous

It's weird how dedicated Republicans are to preventing the public from seeing a report they claim exonerates the president

Reporter: Are you ready to accept that there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians? Pelosi: The sooner they can give us [the full Mueller report], the sooner we can all make a judgment about it

Unacceptable. This is not how we should be treating our fellow human beings. Together, we closed the desert tent camp in Tornillo. Now we must stop trapping asylum seekers and refugees under a bridge for days at a time. It's on all of us if we don't.

Energy Secretary Rick Perry has approved 6 secret authorizations by companies to sell nuclear power technology and assistance to Saudi Arabia, according to Reuters.

I say this to the President, and his defenders in Congress: You may think it’s okay how Trump and his associates interacted with Russians during the campaign. I don’t. I think it’s immoral. I think it’s unethical. I think it’s unpatriotic. And yes, I think it’s corrupt

Nancy Pelosi on the full Mueller report: "It's not about partisanship. It's about patriotism, it's about honoring our oath of office. And yes, I intend to use the full force of the Speaker's office, obvious or less so, to make sure we see those documents."

NEW: @marcthiessen says President Trump should “look at withdrawing security clearances for members of Congress” including @RepAdamSchiff @RepSwalwell and Sen. @MarkWarner because they “openly lied to the American people.”

It’s just wrong for big corporations to pocket massive, permanent tax breaks and reward the wealth of top executives with more stock buybacks, while closing facilities and laying off workers.

Environmentalists have charged Bernhardt, and his predecessor Ryan Zinke, of politicizing Freedom of Information Act responses, omitting calendar entries, and even stretching the boundaries of the Federal Records Act.

.@RepAdamSchiff: "You might say that's all okay. You might say that's just what you need to do to win, but I don't think it's okay. I think it's immoral. I think it's unethical. I think it's unpatriotic. And yes, I think it's corrupt and evidence of collusion."

WATCH LIVE: The Federalist Society

Vanity Fair reports that a previously unreported e-mail exchange alleges that Ivanka's attorney Abbe Lowell suggested changes to Michael Cohen's congressional testimony that would distance Ivanka from the Moscow Trump Tower deal.

DeVos proposal to cut Special Olympics funding sparks outrage

Proposed DeVos budget eliminates federal Special Olympics funding

Courtroom surprise: Mueller grand jury 'continuing robustly'

Mueller unfinished business apparently includes active grand jury

Low Trump credibility necessitates Mueller report's release

Anyone who drinks KFC gravy by the magnum and eats a brace of Filet O'Fish daily understands health care. Uhhhh...

Opinion: We need to stop giving Trump a pass on his ignorance