2/ “They were “happy to scratch his itch,” this adviser said. “If he thinks he won, it’s like, ‘Shh . . . we won’t tell him.’ ”
— Laffy (@GottaLaff) November 29, 2020
4/ “In June...Trump raised prospect of suing state govts for how they administer elections, said he could not believe they were allowed to change the rules. All the states, he said, should follow same rules. Advisers told him that he did not want fed govt in charge of elections”
— Laffy (@GottaLaff) November 29, 2020
6/ “Tensions within Trump’s team came to a head that weekend, when Giuliani and Ellis staged what the senior administration official called “a hostile takeover” of what remained of the Trump campaign.”
— Laffy (@GottaLaff) November 29, 2020
8/ “Ellis startled aides by entering the campaign’s Arlington headquarters and instructing staffers that they must now listen to her and Giuliani. “They came in one day and were like, ‘We have the president’s direct order. Don’t take an order if it doesn’t come from us’”
— Laffy (@GottaLaff) November 29, 2020