Thursday, December 29, 2016

Donald Trump’s EPA Pick Urged To Come Clean On Ties To Secretive Koch-Funded Group

Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt’s ties to the fossil fuel industry keep going deeper and deeper.

12/28/2016 01:07 pm ET | Updated 13 hours ago 
Six senators urged President-elect Donald Trump’s Environmental Protection Agency pick on Wednesday to reveal his ties to a secretive fundraising group that enables fossil fuel companies to make anonymous donations to politicians.
Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt helped found the nonprofit Rule of Law Defense Fund to collect campaign contributions from companies like oil giant ConocoPhillips and coal mining titan Alpha Natural Resources, The New York Times reported in December 2014. Pruitt now sits on the group’s board. 
The group, which keeps the identities of most of its donors secret, received $175,000 in 2014 from Freedom Partners, a business organization that organizes political activities for the billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch, who run the privately held chemical and oil giant Koch Industries.

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