Saturday, December 31, 2016

A Crazy Guy at RedState Says Trump Would Have Beaten Obama. Hilarious!

President Obama appeared on The Axe Files with David Axelrod Monday, when he was asked if he had run again on the same platform he had previously, did he think he would have won against Hairnado.
Here is his response:
I am confident in this vision because I’m confident that if I had run again and articulated it, I think I could’ve mobilized a majority of the American people to rally behind it.
So Dan Spencer over at RedState wrote an entire column devoted to how there is no way in living hell President Obama would have beaten Donald Trump, because he is such a terrible president. I guess he sort of forgot about the whole four-year-high approval rating the President is currently enjoying, which was 54% on 11/3 and is 56% now. This is the highest it has been since right after his reelection in 2012. Oops, was that…”election” word used?
Then, President Obama won OVER Cheetolini in Gallup’s Most Admired Poll, twenty-two to fifteen percent.

Full Story via Modern Liberal