Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Donald Trump Will Be One Of America’s Fattest Presidents

Just a few Taco Bowls shy of Grover Cleveland

Donald Trump might have thought it was okay to fat-shame former Miss Universe Alicia Machado, but that’s like people in glass houses throwing stones. No matter how you look at it, Trump is obese. And when he takes the oath of office, he’ll have his place in the history books as one of America’s fattest presidents.
At the moment, there is no official number for the portly president-to-be, but the New York Times noted Trump’s weight, as revealed during the ‘Dr. Oz Show’ in September at 236 pounds, which was later revised to 267 pounds. At 6-foot-3, that gives Trump a body mass index (BMI) of 29.5 to 33.4. 
Full Story 

Perhaps he is the fattest President ever elected as the author accepts the Trump stated fact that he is 6'3".

Trump's driver's license casts doubt on height claims